Zootopia: First Salvo Part 10
"spades is all about estimating card numbers and from your hand how many cards can make what's called a book of four. everyone throws down four cards. the highest number or the highest face card always takes the four which makes a book.
Humphrey: well silver did say he left some cards for you... sombra: index cards or just cards? aniro: oh yeah that's right. last time he accidentally showed me some other cards. humphrey: index cards.
Journey to another world ch16
I reached into my pocket and handed him the card that the boy gave me. "i would like to find out how much is on this card." the man nodded and swiped the card in some sort of credit card machine in front of him.
Vengeance Set 2 (6-10)
Matt: well it was the orange card. renamon: what do you mean? matt: the orange card algorithm, on which the orange card is based, is incredibly flawed. what it does is biomerge the user and then digivolve the resulting digimon.
A Roll of the Dice
She smiled a bit more before turning back to the stacks of cards and grinning a bit.
Threads - A Development in The Works
"the whole world has gone mad over not being able to conceive, and here we are playing cards..." the bald man looked up from his cards, raising a brow under the low light. "what are you saying?"
Ode to Killer: The Emperor
Tarot card info: major arcana-ix the emperor: the card represents order and control.
Ode to Killer: The Emperor
Tarot card info: major arcana-ix the emperor: the card represents order and control.
Chapter 2(Bellatrix): Dead Drop
She pulled open the flap and read the message on the small card: _investigation_ _nov. 11th, approx. 9:30pm_ _delton ave, shipping yard/warehouse_ _payment: $2000_ bellatrix looked over the card several times.
Welcome to The Real World Chapter 2: Q&A
Including the cartoons that depict our first three missions and the cards that power us up. what's more is that every single card we produce is an actual legitimate card. the cards you buy here can be used in your digivices.
€ rika said yanking a card of of her pocket.â€data-regeneration activate!!!†rika yelled swiping the card through her digivice.
The One
"no cards," my mind told me. "no cards after buying a three pack of them little more than a month ago." maybe it was knowing the truth that calmed my nerves. i turned back around and leaned down to hug him. "nah, you know what?