Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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â€Enough of this! DIGI-MODIFY!†Rika said yanking a card of of her pocket.â€DATA-REGENERATION ACTIVATE!!!†Rika yelled swiping the card through her digivice.

This caused Kyubimon to glow for a few moments and as the glow faded Kyubimon stood back up on all fours feeling her strength return to her and glared at Indramon.â€He's more powerful then when we last fought him. We need to be careful when fighting him.†Kyubimon said not looking away.

Just then a car came speeding towards them and made a sudden turn with a loudâ€eeerrrrt!†as it skidded to the side with a stop, with the door popping open and moments later Henry stepping out.

Takato simply stared in bewilderment at this.â€When did henry learn to drive like that?†Takato thought and then a sudden image of Henry speed racing seemed to pop in his mind. After a few moments Takato shook his head and the image in his head seemed to disappear with a loudâ€pop!â€.â€I need to stop watching those action flicks....†Takato thought sweatdropping.

â€Gargomon..where are you? I know your here!†Henry said looking franticly for his friend.

Just then bricks began to shift to the side and Gargomon's head popped out with little swirls in his eyes.â€Ohhhh....now I know why they say never to stand behind a horse....ohhhh...†Gargomon said in a dazed tone.

Henry looked over and smiled as he ran over to try and shift bricks away from Gargomon's body.â€You can't do anything without me can ya you overgrown rabbit.†Henry said in a teasing tone.

â€Hey! I think that qualifies as rude...†Gargomon said in a slightly annoyed tone.

â€You haven't changed in the least bit Gargomon...†Henry said with a chuckle as Gargomon lifted himself from under the pile of bricks.

Henry then looked over to see Turuiemon and pointed to her.â€Who's the new digimon?†Henry asked curiously.

â€It's Lopmon's champion form. Turuiemon!†Suzie said standing up with a bright smile on her face which caused henry to gasp.â€Now Turuiemon, let's do this!†Suzie said as she took a card from her pocket tossed up in the air, picked up her digivice with her right hand, caught the card in her left hand, and held the digivice in front of her face as she turned it to the side that the card reader slot faced outward and her forehand faced her.â€DIGI-MODIFY!!! POWER BOOSTER ACTIVATE!†Suzie yelled out as she swiped the card with her left hand.

â€No argument here Suzie!†Turuiemon said as she felt her body become empowered with the modify card and charged at Indramon. She then extended her arms at which point the claws on each of them extended outward with a loudâ€Cling!†just before she jumped in the air.â€GAUNTLET CLAW!!!!†Turuiemon shouted as she came slashing down at Indramon which he blocked both claws with each of his blades.

Henry then took a card out of his pocket and lifted up his digivice.â€DIGI-MODIFY!!! AMMO RELOAD ACTIVATE!†Henry shouted as he swiped his card.

â€Thanks for the reload Henry! GARGO LASER!!!†Gargomon shouted as he fired at Indramon who had no way of blocking due to the fact he was still claws to swords with Turuiemon and was hit with the full impact causing him to lose grip of his swords as he went flying back.

â€Time to finish him off Kyubimon!†Rika said as Kyubimon appeared at her side.â€As you wish Rika!†Kyubimon said and jumped in the air towards the fallen Indramon.â€DRAGON WHEEL!!!!†Kyubimon yelled as she began to roll in a ball and soon a ball of blue fire engulfed her. Just as she neared Indramon the ball of blue fire extended out reveling a dragon head and shot at Indramon.

â€It's not possible! I can't be defeated twice by these tamers! NOOOOOO!!!†Indramon cried out as his data began to fragment and then dissolve until there was nothing more.

Turuiemon then reverted back to her rookie form as Lopmon and ran to Suzie and they both embraced each other in a big hug.â€I have my little Lopmon back...no...i have my little sister back...†Suzie said as she hugged Lopmon tightly.

Kyubimon and Gargomon then reverted back to their rookie forms as Terriermon and Renamon. â€Finally we tamers are reunited with our partners.†Henry said happily as he hugged Terriermon.

â€Not all of us are....â€Takato said shattering their happy reunion with sudden realization that Guilmon still had not come back as of yet to him.

Terriermon then jumped on Henry's shoulder and smiledâ€Takato,Momentie!†Terriermon said with a smile but Takato simply ignored him as he walked past them all and down the street.

â€Poor Goggle head....I really do feel sorry for him...I hope Guilmon is okay...†Rika said as she watched Takato walk down the street alone.

â€Which reminds me....how did you two get back here?†Henry said turning to look at Terriermon.

â€It sure as heck wasn't easy!†Terriermon said as he gave a painful expression.

â€No it wasn't...†Lopmon chimed in.


â€So what's the plan sweetie?†Terriermon asked looking at Lopmon as she looked on at the Tainted digimon gathering in one place.â€Well apparently the Tainted digimon seemed to have figured out a way of Bio-emerging...the weaker ones sacrifice their data to create a portal to the other side for the stronger one of their choice I'm guessing.†Lopmon said still watching.

â€Ok so we know how they get there....big whoop! That isn't gonna get us to the other side to get to our tamers.†Terriermon said to which Lopmon gave a pained yet annoyed expression.â€Males....Why am I in love with you again?†Lopmon said with a coy smile.â€Because I am the hottest digimon in this world!†Terriermon said standing up proudly and beaming with glittering stars seeming gleaming around him where he stood.

Lopmon looked up at him and let out a long sigh as her head seemed to droop past her neck.â€Looks aren't everything ya know...†Lopmon said in a annoyed tone which caused the seemingly gleaming stars around Terriermon to drop suddenly and him fall back on his ass with his feet in the air twitching slightly.

â€Am I ugly to you Lopmon?†Terriermon said as he feebly tapped the tips of his index fingers on his paws back and forth so that they softly touched and then pulled them back a little bit repeating this motion as he spoke.

â€Would you come off it already Terriermon? I wouldn't be with you right now if I didn't care abou-There starting, lets go!†Lopmon said cutting herself off as she noticed the digimon's data start to dissolve and flow upward into the sky.

Terriermon and Lopmon sneaked quietly into the crowd of dissolving digimon and next to Indramon hoping he wouldn't notice as he began to ascend into the sky with them floating up shortly after along with him.


â€And that's how we got here!†Terriermon said giving them a over dramatic version of what really happened.

Lopmon simply sighed and lowered her head as she sweatdropped.â€Honestly dear...what am I ever going to do with you?â€

Everyone looked at Terriermon and sweatdropedâ€Somehow I don't think that's what really happened...but still there's another question I have. How was Suzie able to revive Lopmon after her data had completely dissolved?†Henry asked looking at Lopmon and Suzie who both gave questionable looks of their own to that question as they looked at each other.

â€I really don't know...all I know is after I saw her data completely disappear, I wanted more than anything to have her back in my arms...nothing else mattered to me at that moment...at that precise moment I would have given anything to have her back.†Suzie said looking at Lopmon then back to Henry.

â€Maybe you did give something up Suzie...but what that is we just don't know yet.†Rika said and placed her hand on Suzie's shoulder.â€But I wouldn't worry about that now...all that matters is that you have Lopmon back, am I right?†Rika said with a smile to which Suzie looked at her and nodded giving a small vocal gesture of agreement.

Meanwhile back at Takato's place.....

Takato sat on his bed holding his digivice in his hands staring at it.â€Where are you boy? I promised you we would play together again...†Takato said as memories of him playing with Guilmon and his friends as he pushed him around in a grocery cart as a child flashed through his mind causing tears to swell up in his eyes until he suddenly looked up.â€GUILMON,WHERE ARE YOU?!†Takato yelled at the top of his lungs then fell to the side with his face buried in the sheets as he sobbed loudly...

The next day all the tamers showed up at Rika's place.â€Come on in guys I already called the twin tamers of Impmon,they should be here shortly.†Rika said with a smile opening the door wide letting Henry,Terriermon,Suzie,Lopmon, And Takato in.â€Make yourselves comfortable in the living room, Renamon should already be there waiting. I'll go make us some tea while we wait on the Twins to get here.†Rika said as she closed the door behind them and went to the kitchen to make tea.

The tamers walked into Rika's living room which looked very spacious. A blue sofa sitting to the left wall with a end table on each side with a small lamp at the far right hand end table and one rectangular table sitting in front of it with a small tray with ginger snaps sitting on it neatly placed so that they made a small rainbow shape on the tray. To the Right side of the room in the right hand corner sat a Small plant in a pot which had grown to at least 3 feet in hight. To the left side of that was a entertainment center with a DVD player, An TV, A Xbox360, and a Large collection of Digimon playing cards. And to the left of that was a display case with her past Tournament trophies in it.

â€How much does Rika get paid at her job exactly?†Takato thought seeing all the expensive electronics and such in her room. He looked around a bit more and noticed that Renamon was no where in sight. By now everyone had sat down in one seat in the room or on the floor.

â€Take a load off Takato!†Terriermon said with a smile as he jumped off henry's shoulder head first and onto Suzie and Lopmon who were both caught by surprise by his jump with a â€plop!â€. However Terriermon's landing was off target and the sight that beheld everyone in the room caused Takato to blush furiously and Suzie to squeal in shock and Lopmon to give a very pissed off look. Terriermon had jumped head first into Suzie's blouse. What happened next was both comical to Takato and yet looked extremely painful as the girls began to lay into him.

â€What the fuck do you think your doing you perverted bunny!†Suzie yelled as she lifted him out of her blouse and hit him flatly on the head with her fist caused him to hit the floor with a small thud where Lopmon was waiting.

â€You little Pervert! How dare you! Just because me and Suzie are partners doesn't automatically mean you have the right to dig your face in her chest!†Lopmon said lifting Terriermon by the chest fur the slapping him repeatedly till she slapped him once more sending the poor bunny flying till he skidded to a halt about a foot away from Lopmon.

â€It was an accident...†Terriermon said in a dazed tone as his eyes had been replace by swirling circles and his head head a nice knot on it while his cheeks looked very bruised.

Lopmon then walked up to him and stood over him with a satisfied smile.â€you should be fine in a matter of minuets you perverted bunny. And next time you wanna dig your face in someone's chest make sure it's my own!†Lopmon said with in a snappy tone and did a turn about face and walked back to Suzie and jumped in her lap.

Henry just sat there and let out a long sigh.†Terriermon I need to teach you the meaning of common courtesy...â€

â€I think I'll just go find Renamon...†Takato said in an awkward tone as he walked out the front door and went around the back looking for Renamon. After about five minuets he was about to give up when he heard someone crying not far from where he stood...he looked up to the roof top to see Renamon with her eyes in tears and holding onto what looked like a piece of paper.

Takato looked up at her and couldn't help but feel sorry for her.â€She misses him just as much as I do if not more...who could have thought that my bread munching goof ball of a partner could soften up a tough fighter like Renamon to the point of breaking down in tears...she must really love him...I should leave her alone.†Takato thought and turned away to walk back in when suddenly a strong wind blew causing the paper that Renamon held to get caught in the wind Causing her to gasp as it blew down and hit Takato in the back of the head.

Takato grabbed the piece of paper on the back of his head, looked at it, and gasped at what he saw. The piece of paper was in fact a photo of her and Guilmon near a beach in the digital world. Renamon suddenly appeared in front of Takato and snatched the Photo away.â€That's personal, Takato.†Renamon said in a aggravated tone and stuffed it away in a section of her fur.

â€I'm sorry I didn't mean to look! It just hit me on the back of the head and you know how that works†Takato said in a panicky tone.â€I'll be lucky if she doesn't knock me into next July for this one....†Takato thought to himself as he continued to vocally spout off nonsense.

â€It's fine...i hadn't realized you all had shown up already. Forgive my lack of presence.†Renamon said looking at Takato.

â€It's ok really...everyone needs time alone to themselves. Lets get inside shall we?†Takato said with a smile as he walked in the Renamon.

A short time later...

â€Ok now. We all know why we are here...and we have a few facts to take in account.†Rika said walking back and forth as she spoke.

â€Number one.†Rika said looking directly at Renamon, Terriermon, and Lopmon.â€Our digimon have been able to come back to this world along with evil digimon by using weaker digimon's data as a make-shift gateway to our world. We found this out thanks to Lopmon's careful observation of Indramon's Bio-emergence.

â€so in other words any powerful digimon can come here at will by the weaker one sacrificing themselves?†Ai asked.

â€Exactly...but the only ones to show up so far are ones who are trying to target us tamers directly...which leads me to believe our new enemy knows us very well to be able to find us very easily.†Rika said confidently.

â€You mean someone from the real world is behind this?†Jeri asked curiously.

â€I don't know for sure...but it does seem that way.†Rika said then turned to look at Takato.

â€Number two. The last digimon seems to have targeted Takato personally this time. And I think I know the reason why. Takato can you please show everyone what Yamaki gave you and left very quickly afterwards.†Rika said to which Takato nodded and pulled the PDA out of his coat pocket and placed it on the coffee table for all to see.

â€Yamaki said that this was the key to the juggernaut.†Rika said to which everyone gasped and stared at the pda.

â€But why would anyone want to reactivate that horrible machine?â€Mako asked in a scared tone.

â€Which brings me to Number three. The evil digimon must be after this to revive Hypnos and open the connection between our worlds completely again. But to reactivate Hypnos would require the help of someone from our world..someone who knows about it and how it works...or at least knew about Yamaki and his work.†Rika said and paused shortly for everyone to take time to take this all in.

â€Who would be crazy enough to do that?†Jeri asked in a scared tone.

â€I don't know...but that's where you come in Jeri...you work for that corporation that still owns Hypnos right?†Rika asked to which Jeri simply nodded.â€We need you to snoop around and figure out if who we are dealing with is in fact human or a evil digimon taking on the shape of a human. Once we have that info we can proceed with the next step of confront him or her and putting a stop to this before it starts.†Rika said with a confident smile however Jeri simply frowned.

â€But...if it is a digimon....i don't have anyone to protect me....Leomon is....†Jeri began to say but broke down into tears mid-sentence and began to sob loudly in front of everyone in the room.

â€It's ok Jeri...i know what it's like to miss a friend...Guilmon is still-†Takato started to say placing a hand on Jeri's shoulder but she jerked away giving him a cold stare.â€You don't know what it's like to see the digimon you love be destroyed in front of your very eyes! Guilmon wasn't deleted! Leomon was!†Jeri said and dashed out the front door leaving everyone in an awkward silence...

â€Ok so it's decided..once we get the info from Jeri we make our move!†Rika said after hours of discussing how they were going to approach their new enemy.

â€I hope Jeri is ok...†Takato said in a depressed tone.

â€I'm sure she's fine Takato...but remember she is suffering more than any of us because of what happened.â€Rika said just before everyone left to go back to their homes.

Meanwhile at Hypnos....

â€You idiots couldn't get this thing working if your lives depended on it! Which they do! Don't you forget I can easily arrange for you demise!†The woman said in a malicious tone.

â€W-we need Yamaki's PDA or this whole thing is useless though!†The worker said in a panicked tone.

â€You leave that blasted PDA to me and you get started on fixing those fucking bugs in the system! When I come back here I better be able to track a wormon without fail!†The woman said and stormed out.

â€Great pay they said....decent hours they said....perfect health coverage they said....well they didn't include a psychotic supervisor trying to reactivate a program that nearly destroyed our world in our job description!†The Worker said with a aggravated sigh.

_ Whoa....that woman needs to take some chill pills! And how is she going to get Yamaki's device away from the tamers? To find out...keep reading digimon digital monsters! _


**LOPMON'S NEW DIGIVOLUTION** Indramon's blade swung down on Kyubimon but was stopped mid swing as Kyubimon's muzzle clamped onto Indramon's blade from the side but she was only able to stop one blade as the other came down at her slashing her side...

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EPISODE TWO: THE KEY TO JUGERNAUT Takato’s alarm sounded loudly at 5am causing him to open his eyes groggily. â€Work is a pain…†Takato remarked to himself as he slowly got out of bed to get into the shower. After about 15 minuets in the shower...

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EPISODE 1 RENAMON’S RETURN â€Diamond storm!†A female fox looking figure yelled shooting thousands of diamonds at a purplish looking foe. The figure simply laughed at her and struck her causing her to cry out in pain as she hit the ground. â€Now...

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