An Unexpected Date - poetic story
It features his characters in the post apocalyptic world he created. i really like his very detailed back story for these two young lovers. he wanted a happier scene written for the depressing world they live in and i feel like i was able to create that.
Death Site Chapter 1
July 10 2019: In the late afternoon I walked on the deck of the ship. Me and my three best friends had all been playing another game of volley ball down at what was once used as the parking lot. We had put several tents up and the place looked a...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 41: Separation
"Stop that!" Daws yelled, giving me a light cuff to the head as we ran into the woods. I managed a weak glare, stumbling out a few more notes of the tune. It wasn't perfect, but most zombies went after us, turning away from those resting by the...
Plant Anatomy
Foil-flowers: They look similar to daisies except they have much shinier petal and are colored almost an iridescent buttercup yellow. Melpod: One of the most widely cultivated and diverse species of fruit that are available in the new plants of Dead...
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion)
A warm blackness. The distant sound of a forest, the hum of insects. The blackness began to recede. Colour filtered in slowly. Details blurred then became sharper. As it became clearer, so did memory. ...
Tales of the Thief King 4: A Minor Setback
The subject matter was "post apocalyptic life" but was written from the viewpoint of something called a "human".
Sand and Blood, Part 2
The Sandskimmer leapt across the dunes with a dull and harmonious buzzing roar. Its riders were both just as equally angry at their situation. Eve was mumbling to himself angrily while Val was leaning against his back and looking out over the...
Walls: Reboot 12 - The Looking Glass
# Chapter 12 -- The Looking Glass ## **62 A.E. April 26, Forest Road,Afternoon** I leaned back, shut my eyes, and perked my ears to listen. Things were muddled due to the truck's noise, but I could hear hints of Adler and Jason talking in the...
Walls: Reboot 11 - The Lock and Key
# Chapter 11 -- The Lock and Key ## **62 A.E. April 17,The Burrow - Vilkas Bedroom,Evening** Another sleepless night, another gnawing question. Cause and effect rippling outward, affecting everything big and small, making me toss and turn. I tried...
Walls: Reboot 10 - The Precious Runt
# Chapter 10 -- The Precious Runt ## **62 A.E. April 13, The Burrow - Flywheel Cafe,Evening** I flipped the menu over and browsed the list. * * * Flywheel Cafe -- _(Jack's spinny-wheelie-home)_ Salad: Chopped assortment of local veggies (Varies...
Walls: Reboot 9 - The Trench Coat
# Chapter 9 -- The Trench Coat ## **62 A.E. April 3, Flywheel Cafe - Evening** Athena's presence nudged my mind, 'He should already be at the bar...' I approached the bar section once more, and saw as Jack stopped talking with a hybrid seated...
Walls: Reboot 8 - The Ever Gray
# Chapter 8 -- The Ever Gray ## **62 A.E. April 2, Forest - Evening** It felt easier to relax, as if some blockage in my mind had finally broken down. The sun was setting in the same direction as the road, and the atmosphere of it all reminded me of...