Sand and Blood, Part 2
The Sandskimmer leapt across the dunes with a dull and harmonious buzzing roar. Its riders were both just as equally angry at their situation.
Eve was mumbling to himself angrily while Val was leaning against his back and looking out over the dunes that they sailed past. She hummed lightly to herself as she watched the scenery go by, remembering pleasant times and happy memories. She got lost in her own thoughts for a little while though, and didn't notice the multitude of shapes that had begun to appear over the sandy hills...
Suddenly a large gob of greenish-black liquid burst just a few feet away from the Sandskimmer! Both Badlanders were jolted back into reality and looked around. They noticed the shapes and cursed in unison.
"Infected!" Val shouted and drew her enormous hand-cannon, its red-tinted scope gleaming in the hot sunlight. She pointed all around the nearby dunes with expert aim and deadly intent. In a flash, there was a pack on their trail! Black, emaciated creatures they were, running on all fours with jaws agape and dripping with green toxic venom.
"I count seven!" she shouted at Eve. "Keep her steady as she goes!"
And with that she fired three rounds, three massive, red-glowing shells that slammed into the creatures' bodies and sent them reeling backwards. Two of them were hit dead center, their backs blowing open like flowers in bloom, but the third was merely nicked and continued charging after the Skimmer along with the other four. They were beginning to close the distance.
"Keep on 'em!" Eve shouted from the front. "We're almost at the city!"
"Make sure we last that long!" Val called. The mutants were getting closer and closer, their legs furiously straining to catch up to their prey. The light grey vixen aimed through the red-tinted scope once again and fired a volley of well-placed shots into the creature that she nicked. It blew into small chunks and splattered over its nearby pack mates. A tall, gray fence began to peek up over the dunes.
"There it is!" Eve called back. Val nodded back at him and fired off a few more shots at the approaching pack. Eve pressed a button and tapped in a long string of numbers into a keypad. There was a crackle and then a deep voice rumbled on the other end.
"This is Sandstorm Control. Approaching vessel, identify yourself immediately," it said slowly.
"This is Eveser and Valerie Rose, Hawks. Business with Danigo, request immediate assistance and an open door to enter. Multiple infected on our tails!" Eve shouted into the intercom. There was silence for a few seconds, and then a smooth voice flowed into Eve's ears.
"Eveser this is Danigo. Your plight has been received, the front doors are open and Thannix is on his way to deal with your pest problem," the voice assured. Eve growled.
"Send someone else!" he snarled. "We don't need him!"
There was a split-second of quiet then gunshots began peppering the ground behind Eve's Sandskimmer! The infected stopped dead in their tracks as the gunshots flew towards them! They turned tail and began fleeing like dogs back into the desert, howling in defeat. Eve cursed and slammed his fist down onto the side of the Skimmer in rage. They sailed through the large iron doors of the compound and slowed to a halt in the courtyard of a large mansion. They looked up to see a figure, clearly male, standing atop a tall set of stairs leading to an ornate front door. He was leaning against the railing with a large smile on his reptilian face.
"Hiya Danny," Eve called sarcastically. The Desert Iguana grinned as a dark figure appeared next to him. He wore a business suit with black leather gloves, complete with a metal mask that covered his entire head. The mask had no mouth or nose, but it had three eyes; the third being on his forehead.
"Howdy to you too Emeril," Eve whispered.
"Mr. Eveser, Ms. Rose," his growly voice echoed through the courtyard.
"Now then, Mr. Eveser, please come inside! This sun is no presence in which to discuss business," Danigo said and walked back inside, followed closely by Thannix.
Eve growled as he watched the metal-headed man walk beside the Iguana. He knew of Thannix, god EVERYONE knew of Thannix...
Real name: Emeril Darsonda. Birth: Hell...some people say...
He showed up one day after a groundbreaking war between two rival gangs. Through the smoke and the bullets he walked from nowhere and opened fire on both gangs. Needless to say there was no one left standing when he turned to walk away. No one knew who he was; he wasn't even associated with either gang! But he killed em both...for fun if not for anything else. So for years he became a legend, a terror that stalked across the Badlands...a bedtime story you told your kids before you sent them to bed so they'd stay away from gangs when they grew up. "Live a good life or the Death God will snatch it away..." But Eve knew Thannix was all too real.
He ran into him a few years ago when he was out for a high-priced bounty.
He and Val were pinned down outside the man's hideout while he and his henchmen opened fire with a huge stolen minigun.
"Val! Can you see em?" Eve called. Val peeked out slightly and zipped back immediately as a bullet whizzed past.
"I can see their bullets, if that's what you mean?!" she growled back. Eve smiled.
"He's gotta run out sometime!" he yelled over the intense gunfire. Then there was an immediate silence. It came so fast it was almost deafening...
"See? What'd I tell ya?" Eve said and stood up, firing at the ridge. His bullets peppered the red rock where they hit, but nothing else...
"What the-?" he asked. Val stood up as well, aiming at the ridge.
"You think they retreated?" she asked.
"Let's take a look," Eve said and slowly began ascending the ridge. They reached the minigun, looking behind to see if the operator was still there. He was. Sorta.
"Oh shit," Eve muttered under his breath. The minigun operator's throat had been slit and his spotter had been shot once in the chest with an immensely high-caliber weapon. Val's eyes widened.
"I didn't do that," she said vacantly.
"Neither did I," Eve agreed as they stepped into the hideout. Their guns drawn, they covered all corners and moved like a military unit through the cave. They followed the electric lanterns which led them into the main room of the bandits, who were strewn rather unceremoniously across the ground. They looked around, aiming their guns at every conceivable hiding spot in the chamber. They failed to notice the man standing in the center, holding the dead bounty by the neck.
"It would appear that the most obvious spots are the best hiding places," the man said, which immediately drew the attention of both Hunters.
"Who the hell are you?" Val snarled at him.
"Darsonda, Emeril Darsonda," he said as he turned around. "Parents call me Thannix."
"The Death God...?" Val muttered quietly, eyes widening as she looked at him.
"The pleasure's all mine," he responded. Eve bared his teeth and stood in front of Val.
"Well if you came for that bounty, lemme tell you it has a 10,000-bullet restriction on it," Eveser aimed at his head.
"Is that 10,000 bullets in me or in the bounty? Or are you asking if I've shot at least 10,000 bullets in my life?" Darsonda inquired calmly. Eve tightened his grip on his gun.
"Gimme a good reason why I shouldn't shoot you right now?" Eve growled at him as Val rested her gun on his shoulder, aiming at the "eye" on his forehead.
"One good reason? Very well," Darsonda said and tossed the bounty over to the two Hunters. "That good enough?"
Eve and Val stared at it for a second.
"What are you trying to pull? You killed him, he's yours..." Eve asked, not lowering his gun for a second.
"No I didn't, you did," he said flatly.
"That's not how this business works," Val said softly. Darsonda looked amused.
"An honor code...well I must say that is rather refreshing. To meet someone who sticks to dignity and respect around these lawless wastelands is interesting indeed, I thank you for this opportunity," Darsonda bowed slightly. "I do hope our paths will cross in the future...I would certainly enjoy killing with you two again."
"I sure hope not, for your sake," Eve muttered. Darsonda laughed.
"See you around Mr. Eveser, Ms. Rose," he called as he walked past them, through the cave to the outside. Eve and Val looked at eachother with surprise then ran after him.
"Hey! Wait! How do you-," they looked in all directions, but he had vanished as quickly as he had come.
That was the first time he had interacted with Emeril, and that would most certainly not be the last. He and Eve had grown into something of a rivalry, with Eve and Darsonda constantly trying to challenge eachother for superiority.
Back to reality. Eve and Val were standing in Danigo's office, the iguana sat behind his desk while Darsonda leaned against a wall, shrouded in shadows.
"So my friends, what seems to be the trouble?" he asked. Eve and Val took a seat in the two chairs in front of the desk.
"I think you know precisely the problem. I wanna know why your little errand-boy over here stole almost three-quarters of our paycheck?" Val demanded. Danigo sat back, placing his claw over his heart in mock surprise.
"I haven't heard of anything of the sort! Emeril how could you?" Danigo asked, faking worse than a cheap prostitute. Emeril gave a half-hearted snort in response. Eve slammed his fist down on the table.
"I'm tired of this bullshit! I wanna know why you're stealing from me and I wanna know now," Eveser demanded furiously. Danigo looked unfazed.
"Well, Eveser, you've forced my hand. I wanted your attention," Danigo said with a smirk.
"My attention? And you couldn't have just called?" he said, now more curious than angry.
"I suppose there could've been a more positive way of contact but I needed to see you face-to-face. What better way than to lure you in like a fish after bait?" he smirked. Both Hunters looked at eachother, eyebrows raised, and then back at Danigo, unamused.
" you have us...better start talking before my guns begin to wander. Devolver hasn't had his taste of action today," Eveser smiled dangerously. Danigo again looked unfazed. Eve wasn't surprised, with a bodyguard like Darsonda standing less than ten feet away there wasn't much that would instill fear in Danigo at the moment.
"What would you two say if I asked you if you wanted to retire?" the lizard asked.
"I'd say fuck you, and why?" Val asked, leaning forward.
"Because I might have a bit of a task for you that would pay enough for twenty retirements," Danigo said. Eve leaned forward as well.
"And what if we don't want to retire?" Eve asked. Danigo smiled.
"Then you live the lives of extremely wealthy Hunters until you die," he said with a toothy grin. The two Hunters thought for a moment, looked at eachother, shrugged, and then looked back at Danigo.
"Go on," they said in unison.
"You two aren't ones to mince words with so I'll be as quick as possible. A few weeks ago I was robbed," Danigo said. Eve gave a small chuckle.
"That's a first, who is this ballsy bandit?" Eve said, smiling. Danigo's face took a brilliant snarl for a split-second, then softened as he emitted a quiet scoff.
"A nobody. Some meaningless tramp with a deathwish. Regardless, he managed to sneak in here past all of my defenses, something not easy to do I might add! And stole something very near and dear to me," Danigo began to get frustrated. Val snorted.
"Calm down bug-eater," she smirked. "So you want this guy found?"
"Precisely," Danigo said with a cold smile. "Dead or alive is irrelevant, I only want what he took."
"And what might that be?" Eveser asked, tipping his hat to the side.
"A small USB device. Translucent, green-shaded, with a small black iron chain attached to it," Danigo explained.
"And how come you couldn't send Chuckles to do it?" Val asked, thumbing Darsonda. In an instant he was kneeling next to her chair.
"My skills as a tracker are far less able than those belonging to you," he said, standing up and walking to stand behind Danigo's desk. Val rolled her eyes and turned to Eve.
"Group meeting," she said and stood up, pulling Eve to the back of the office. "This smells dirty even from here..."
"I know, it's shady as midnight if you ask me," Eve pondered for a moment. "But its almost too simple..."
"That's what worries me," Val said. "Twenty retirements...for one tracking job? No way..."
"Well, whatever's on that USB has got to be worth more than that to Danigo, maybe we can get even more out of him if we do get it?" Eveser reasoned. Val shook her head weakly.
"I don't want to play that game Eve," she said. "Fucking with Sandstorm is the reason this guy has a million-dollar bounty on his head!"
"So scratch that, we'd still have more money than we'll ever see in our line of business now," Eve prodded. "C'mon Val? This is too simple of a job to pass up! We just track some poor runaway to his cave, give 'em a smack on the hand, take the USB and swim in gold!"
"I don't know..." Val said carefully, lost in thought. "I just don't like it. If this target really is just some alley-rat, Danigo wouldn't need high-priced tracking to find him! Darsonda can find anyone...why use us when he can use him?"
"He's not that great," Eve said and rolled his eyes. "Just trust me ok? I promise that this whole thing'll blow over real smooth and we'll walk away rich Hawks indeed!"
"Well...I..." Val looked unsure. Eve reached under her chin and brought her eyes to his.
"Trust me," he said quietly. Val looked for a moment into his deep eyes...
"Well...alright," she said with a still uneasy smile. Eve smiled happily and turned back to Danigo and Darsonda.
"Danny? We'll take the job!" he said proudly. Darsonda straightened out his jacket and was gone from his spot.
"Good luck," he said from the door. "See you two around."
"Yea jog on to you too," Eve said saucily.
"Excellent my friend! Excellent!" Danigo said excitedly, standing up and walking towards them. "You have no idea how wise this decision is that you're making! Take my word that not an easier job will come your way, nor for grander a prize!"
"We'll be the judges of that," Eve said. Val finally put on a small semblance of a smile.
"The last know locations are in the GPS I had installed into your Sandskimmer, that USB had a 24-hour tracer implanted in it so all the coordinates that we were able to track are right there. He stole it just yesterday night, he can't have gotten too far in this blazing sun with no Sandskimmer," Danigo said with a haughty grin. Eve and Val began walking towards the door.
"Piece of cake Danny-boy!" Eve said and clicked his teeth at his employer. "Give us an hour and we'll have your downloaded porn back here safe and sound," Eve said and slipped through the door, Val close behind. They laughed as they went down the hall.
"Yes...yes...hi-fucking-larious," Danigo said and slumped back into his chair. He angrily cracked open a bottle of pungent liquor he brought from under his desk and took a halting swig. When he finished he saw Darsonda standing next to him. He smiled, the liquor already going to his head.
"You know they don't deserve this," he said quietly to the drunken iguana.
"It's not a matter of deserving or's a matter of business my dear black-suited friend," the iguana slurred slightly. "Those two were on hand and they just so happened to fit the bill of this particular job!"
"So why not send me? You know just as well as they do that my tracking ability is equal to theirs if not better," he asked. Danigo just laughed.
"Because you are far too valuable to waste on a mission that should be completely one-sided," he said. "Why would I send you to your death when I can have twice the insurance for half the risk?"
"Because you are a cold-hearted inkling," Darsonda said flatly.
"Oh Emeril, you know that flattery will get you everywhere in this world!" Danigo chuckled.
"I wouldn't sit atop your throne for too long, Danigo. Death comes for all men, meek and powerful alike," the assassin said, turning to face his employer.
"Oh don't give me that philosophical death crap again Emeril! I've got neither the time nor the patience," Danigo muttered and took another swig of the liquor. Darsonda said nothing and then was suddenly gone, just as he had come.
"I am Death," the iguana said through another slurred sip from his bottle.