Realms of Valeron - Chapter 18

It was old, rattling uncertainly on each knock and bend of the road, and the worn seats made riding the bus extremely uncomfortable.

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The Presence Between the Pages

In the afternoon, they would roll up the rugs and take them to a patio where they would be inspected and cleaned and repaired if possible, or set out for the beggars if they were too worn.

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And I Shall Rest

I'm battered and worn. but i will not forget, sun going down, but it aint down yet. i may be tired and weary, and a cold wind chilling me, but i will reach for rest from grieving and i shall at last be free.

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Grim Outcomes

It has worn people so badly that the feeling of any accomplishment is simply to escape the reality that they will never change. i know what could be done, but do not speak for those in the shadows are watching.

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Fuzzy Form

With the helmet worn and the armor donned, i come to life. the smirk becomes a smile.

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Lost Cause

Foot i jogged down the tile hallway to the bathroom. pushing on the door i slipped inside and and sighed as my feet were encompassed in the warmth of a deep bathroom rug. placing my clothes on the edge of the sink i slipped out of the night clothes i had worn

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Black Swan: When Water And Sand Meet.

"rin was no ordinary princess she had black long hair, a sex arched frame of a body and her eyes were as pale colored as her skin, and worn black robes that were sliky as the midnight sand".

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Cages part1

He stops reading from a worn leather book, my book and a cruel smile glides from ear to ear. i "up and up and up. hahaha" the laughter fades as he walks away from the cage that encircles me with wispy metal claws.

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TOWNN Meets: Goku.

After he hit the ground outside the ring i collapsed onto the ground, the fight had worn me out. after resting for about five minutes i was ready to go and i walked back onto the ring. at the other end of the ring was the champion of martial arts, goku.

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That Strange Ill Fitting Cog

This is a venting metaphor, a bit of a well worn one but still a good one in my opinion at least. originally posted in november 2021.

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Through A Glass Darkly - 6

Silver and gold she lay, pale in the moonlight, and luna knew her, for she bore the sun in glory, the match to luna's moon, the mark that her sister had worn all her life.

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The Japanese Garden

The wood it was constructed from was old and worn, and the flute was clearly a masterpiece of art itself. moving up the scene, the gravel formed a path of white and grey stones, behind the dragon.

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