Cages part1

Story by forgotpassword on SoFurry

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#1 of Cages

This is part one in hopefully a good series.

"I fly up and up and up, the wind flowing like chilled happiness.

It cools my anxieties and fears about tomorrow and the next day.

About life being too short or too long. I honestly don't know what i'd do if I couldn't..."

He stops reading from a worn leather book, my book and a cruel smile glides from ear to ear.


"up and up and up. Hahaha" the laughter fades as he walks away from the cage that encircles me with wispy metal claws.

I tilt my head upwards looking at everything, how could you be so stupid you know its dangerous to go out at day time!

You idiot, you stupid selfish idiot you have chicks to feed. My inner voice stops as my fate dawns on me and my legs give way under the weight of it all.

At this very moment I just want to fly far away and I can't. I doubt I ever will again and that knowledge scares me.

Minutes turn to hours as I sink lower into depression. I watch as my cage is picked up and put into a larger metal box held up by black circles.

I stare up through the translucent rectangles as silhouetted peaks disappear out of view.

The place where I spent my whole life gone. I may have liked flying but not far away from what I knew,

there still so much to see here the happy voice of a younger me echos against my now blurred vision. Blurred by watery eyes.


NO YOU WILL NOT CRY. YOU ARE STRONG. Shouts a suddenly more supportive inner voice.

I nod to myself slowly and choke back the tears. Time to stop wallowing in self pity and get out of here, look at the cage there must be a weakness.

My eyes methodically move along each of the thin metal fingers and thats when I see it.

I mean how stupid can I be all that's keeping me in here is a tiny latch on the outside of my cage.

All I had to do is put my beak under it and lift my head and off it came.

That was too easy I think but the thought is quickly squashed under my excitement all I have to do is fly out one of the rectangles.

I push my wings down hard eager to leave. I reach the rectangle and and... I hit it face first with a heavy THWACK.

I only have enough time to hear part of me bragging told you it was too easy before my vision fades to nothing.