Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 1- Morning At The Guild
Their vocal war soon broke to the cry of a peacekeeper, "ch-children, please, stop fighting!"
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 16
Some cried out against this sudden hastening of events, but they were a vocal minority. indeed, this was the part most wolves were looking forward to. this was the part they've been licking their lips for.
Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 5)
Among those discontented, saccularius was one of the most vocal. as the best warrior, he was well known and honored, and he voiced his objections frequently. for some time, he has been gathering support, and we feared that he would soon attempt a coup."
Karaoke Night - Chapter 2: All of Me
He set up his music book on the stand, adjusted the microphone for optimum musical and vocal reception, and tapped it to make sure it was on. then, like carbine before him, he gave a little intro. "hey... everyone.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1
A sudden alteration in the electrical currents dancing in his veins alerted the wolven soldier to the incoming analog even before the dull, mechanical tones of the voice-over programs used to conceal vocalization of commanding officers began to reverberate
Piano Keys and Heart Strings
The pitch selection had a wide range; and even without words or actual vocals you could still hear a message of distraught emotion.
I accept all forms of apologies, vocal or in written form." "but...you can give people back their souls, right?" "yes." "do you think i can get mine back?" "no." "but why not?"
Journey to another world pt2 ch54
It seemed that undine truly believed that she was some sort of goddess and had to be treated as such, and she was very vocal about it. "you call this your best pokemon chow recipe!?" she shouted at the still shocked nurse.
Forever Heart
All the algorithms worked in the single tests and the vocal software checks out on fluctuation..." he rolls onto his side and looks at the picture on his nightstand. in the frame is a photo of a happy lioness with her hands a swollen belly.
Beef and the drummer smiled as they backed off, leaving nothing but the vocals and the guitar, which faded. as they finished, a cheer burst from the crowd, screams coming from the women. they took off the blindfolds and bowed to their fans.
Inferno High - Chapter 14
So earlier today i admitted to my hatred, and vocalized it. for some reason they were shocked, as if they didn't know i hated it. i told them death's better than life, and bolted from our last class to the dorm.
Inferno High - Chapter 6
" 'my vocal cords are perfectly normal, but i got my tonsels out last week and talking feels like cat claws scraping up and down my throat.' ... okay. there's a reason." "yeah, that sucks. does it hurt normally?"