A gift you can't refuse

"he didn't, but from the teacher's report, victor was annoyed by the two children in question and all of the sudden, victor jumped on them and started to punch them violently.

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The Cost of Life pt. 1 - Loyalty

Jake rolled over in the bed to find that his wife's side was empty. She always did wake up earlier than him. He never understood how she could be active that early in the morning. He never did enjoy the mornings, and was especially rueful to wake up...

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Demon Choir Chapter 2

I could see victor sitting upfront, getting all his materials out for class to begin. victor was one of the few furs who always seemed to be awake and alive. moving down the aisle i take my seat next to victor who instinctually looked up and faced me.

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Jurassic Park Geschichte Prolpgue

Aisha schwestern und marco freunde, **laura, mike, billy, tommy, tina, jason, kimberly, jeff, rachael **,** aaron victor,** blutstrom.

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Death of DNA Chaps.4-5

"victor! ignore your senses! listen to me and me alone!"

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What are some Kyruku customs?

The first to give in or be incapacitated by his opponent loses, and their fate is placed in the paws of the victor.

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Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)

And you i guess, victor. that's worth a pardon." emily said, "we need to hook you up to life support. salt planned for this, so he must have a fix. victor, get your tail in there and find it."

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Ten

"me, victor, and edgar?" dex finished for me. he shook his head. "no, no they're not. now come on, we have to get there as soon as possible."

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The Mourning After - Chapter 17 (Shadows of the Past)

The crowd roared as a victor was decided. the fierce battle came to a swift end with a decisive blow. the victor knocked his opponent to the ground and they were unable to stand.

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Characters in Voids Head

Will eventually be posting character descriptions hansel brutus burrow cooney grimmace vaulter longstride klantio riftclaw tempest the swiftblade daygar hansel del' gretel romulus king of the deadlands seraph anastasia serran seascale victor

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Summertime Fruit (Otherwise Untitled)

In the moment, he was locked between desire and self control, with neither yet the clear victor. ~ from her sprawl on the couch, the gryphon cried out with assistance. "it's not cold yet, ya' goof.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Nineteen

If a werewolf gets too scared or angry, their wolf will break free and they will change regardless of whether it's a full moon or not, the way i had the first time i had seen victor.

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