A Place to Belong - Chapter 9
This private location allowed the merchants to store their goods without the worry of thieves stealing them when their carts were un-tended to.
Love lost, Love found
As i lay there my life flowing out of a bullet hole left by a thieving fox, i thought about her face one last time as the darkness closed in.
The Fires of Hell
With that being said zeng left the shop in disappointment and decided to buy a cloak to hide his sword from potential thieves, he and sparky soon wandered through an alley as a shortcut to get back to the ship but the little sprite suddenly felt a chill crawl
The King's Company: Chapter One: Our Journey Begins!
"alright, first, we have to locate the thieves' guild. they relocated after the last time they got too bold, and so far none of the trackers have been able to find them yet, despite the recent increase in activity.
Hunting Death- Sick Fey
They're nothing but thieves, that's what they are. considering they went through the process of using us as bait for those bandits i would not be surprised if it ends up that they set that parasite on them as well.
Luna's Holiday (1300 words)
The slices of bread immediately took to the sky to chase off the feathery snack thieves. luna happily rummaged around to see what else she could enjoy as squawks of protest rang out from above.
Snowkit's Ambition (Part 1)
"thieves! prey stealers!" tumblestar gave a ferocious hiss, flattening his ears, "featherstar says her warriors will fight to take our fish!"
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Truth
"thieving mutt!" she finished. star's once blank expression turned into a large, toothy snarl as he clenched his eyes shut. star seldom got angry, and there was more to it than him just being laid back.
All's fair... Ch. 2
"alright, i was running from a bunch of thieves... i was uhh... i decided i'd liberate a few items, mostly coins but i got a few more things, like this amulet, before one of those dipsticks caught me rummaging through their loot.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon
By: hakuzonightfox episode 14: one night in celadon \>\>\>narrator: last episode andrew got his beloved dratini stolen by one of the many thieves attracted to celadoncity.
Corruption Leads Into Creation: Chapter 1
This wasn't the work of bandits or thieves. a powerful being of unknown origin stalked the callacula forest, and the inhabitants of vyapara were defenseless against it. priests in the temple of shiva received disturbing visions of the monster.
Two Sides to Every Tale Ch. 2
The pair of would be thieves whipped around and paled as they saw what it was that was behind them, just before they were punched in the face. ]|[]|[ rebecca was walking down route one, exhausted and frustrated.