Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Truth
#6 of PMD: The Scarlet Explorer
A year had gone by, and the cycle had continued for the entire period. Scarlet never lost her happy demeanor, and it was time for her daily talk with Star. She creaked open the door to his office, a cold gust grazing her sides. Winter was nearing its end, but that doesn't mean it wasn't going to leave without a fight. It was snowing outside, and the sun was setting over the horizon, sending a amber beam through the window.
Star looked up from his journal and smiled."Hey sweetie, how was the mission?" he asked, softly closing his diary.
She walked around and hopped on her usual spot, which was usually on the corner of his desk. Star had noticed she usually sat there every day, and bought a cushion just for her a few months back. "It went great! Another escort done, and the client even gave me a present!" she said, showing off her neck where a vibrant red and white scarf was idly placed.
"Now I can be just like you Uncle Star!" The Houndoom let out a hearty laugh and ruffled her tuft, making her giggle in return.
"Sure kiddo, just like Uncle Star." Star put away his journal in one of the drawers in the desk and sighed. Something echoed in his head. "...just like you..." It kept ringing around his mind. The fire, the guild, the success she had. She was becoming just like him, and he didn't know what to feel about that.
"Good thing I met you after that fire, of I would have never had the chance to be an explorer." Her voice snapped him from his daze as she walked over and kindly rubbed against him affectionately. The hellhound smiled back, and gave her a little thank you kiss on the forehead before she giggled and sat back on her pillow. She stopped talking for a second and stared at him. It was unnerving to say the least, Scarlet never kept quiet this long. "You know what? I just noticed something," she said softly. Star raised an eyebrow and looked at her quizzically. "You never told me where you got your scarf Uncle Star!" she smiled, pointing to it.
Star lowered his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, its a difficult subject..." he started.
"Aww come on, I told you where I got mine, its only fair you tell me where you got yours!" He wished it was that simple. Star thought about it for a while. He had kept this story to himself for more than ten years. Maybe he needed to let it out, it could only do harm if kept to himself any longer.
"...alright," he said quietly.
"Come on Star! You aren't going to get your present if you run like that!" said a Vulpix, a bow one one of her many tails.
"I'm running as fast as I can Mia!" the Houndour huffed, pushing over bushes and trying to cut through the dense forest to where her voice was. Mia was always surprising Star in one way or another. It could be a new game she made up, or something cool she found. Star didn't care though, he just loved being with her. He may have been young, and naive, but he knew there was something special about her. The way she pranced through the thicket. Her smooth straight fur. Or maybe her baby-blue eyes. All these things could have been, but Houndour didn't care. She was the only other pokemon to talk to him in Shettle forest. He was nothing special, just a plain, black and orange Houndour, and a timid one at that. No discerning features, no attractive qualities or traits. It's not entirely his fault though. Ever since he was born into the forest, the other pokemon shunned him. Most residents were bug and grass types and were more afraid of the pup than anything. Everyone knew of the dangers that fire could bring, and he was always being watched. If any hint of fire was detected, it would be promptly put out. It didn't help though. Even if they watched him, they did nothing to stop any thugs or bullies from roughing him up, knowing that he could do nothing about it. His mother did her best to comfort him, but word's were never enough. She sometimes wished that Star was born a Poochyena instead of a Houndour like his father, but she kept assuring herself that her son was fine the way he was.
Star pushed his way past another set of bushes into a clearing, where a serene pond rested. Mia was already moving around a rock, digging something from the ground and hiding it behind her back. The Houndour raised an eyebrow and slowly approached his friend.
"So, what's the surprise?" he asked.
"Guess," said Mia. Star let out an annoyed growl. It could be anything behind her back, probably just a bucket of water to splash into his face. As if he were going to fall for that one again.
"I honestly have no idea," Star simply said.
Mia huffed and puffed her cheeks. "Oh, you are no fun Star!"
"But it doesn't matter, cause I got you this!" She held out her paws and folded in them was a red and orange sash. Star looked at it for a second, not knowing what it was.
"Erm...what is it?" he asked. "Its a sash silly, look." Mia unraveled the fabric, it being much larger than when it was folded. Star lowered his ears a bit as she moved around his body, and finally wrapping the clothing around his neck. It was big on him, and it puffed out.
She giggled. "You will grow into it," she said moving him into the pond so he could see his reflection. He turned his head, looking at himself at all angles. Star let out a faint smile and turned to Mia, a small blush on his face.
"I love it," he said quietly as she nodded in response.
"Well, I think it would look better if you were being choked on it, fire mutt."
Star and Mia both shuddered and quickly turned toward two emerging figures from the brambles.
Star growled and put Mia behind him. "What do you two want!"
A Breloom and a Scyther both laughed as they kept walking toward them. "We want you out of our forest you horrid freak of nature, destroying everything you touch," spat the Breloom. His name was Lee, and his partner's name was Stryker. They were the lowest of the low, always tormenting on Star, just for being a fire-type. It seemed like everywhere he went, they knew where he was. Star wished he could tell someone about them, and even if he did, it's not like they would do anything. Star and Mia stepped back and shuddered.
"What's the matter? Scared of a little blade like this?" teased Stryker, shining his claws at them. Star stayed quiet and was backed up against a tree.
"He asked you a question, mutt," growled Lee. The Houndour risked a glance back at Mia. She was covering her eyes and trembling badly; she was obviously scared. Star looked back at the two assailants who were inches away from him. "Aren't you going to answer?!" yelled the Breloom again.
Before Star could attempt an answer, Lee threw a Mach Punch that hit him square on the nose, knocking him out of the way. Lee went to Star and Stryker grabbed the terrified Mia off the ground. Lee kicked the pup in the ribs over and over, throwing Mach Punches every so often for good measure. All Star could do was whimper and endure it, hoping they could finish him off and leave. Lee stopped and stepped on the Houndour's neck.
"What's the matter? We are just some grass types, no problem for a big bad fire-type like you," he grimaced, stepping on him harder. Something was wrong. He was used to these beatings, but they were never this severe. No, they were out to kill today, and Mia was their victim too. Star opened one of his eyes and saw Mia pinned to the tree trunk, one of Strykers claws poking at her soft underbelly.
"P-Please..." Star managed to say, barely audible from his throat being crushed.
"Oh? Whats that? I cant hear you," insulted Lee who let go and kicked him again. He rolled and clutched his stomach, coughing heavily as drops of blood spurted from his broken mouth.
"Do-Don't hurt her...let her go..." he pleaded struggling to get up.
"I think he wants us to let the poor girl go," Lee said to Stryker in a teasing tone of voice. Mia was crying, watching Star getting pummeled before her eyes was too much for her. She was too paralyzed by fear to scream for help, and all she could do was cry. Star pleading for her mercy didn't help it at all either. Her sobs became more audible as the Scyther raised his claw to her neck and grazed it, cutting her a little as she bled from a tiny cut on her neck.
Star clenched his paws and gritted his teeth, not looking off the ground. "I said...Let. Her. Go..." Lee laughed menacingly.
"The brat thinks he can boss us around! Come on Stryker, lets finish these scum and get on with our lives." Stryker nodded and pressed his blade up to her soft silky fur. She kept sobbing, knowing that this was the end.
"Star...help..." she managed to say, but so quietly. His ears flicked and he looked up with his deep purple eyes.
"Let. Her. GO!" he screamed as he let out a piercing roar that was followed by a bellowing tower of fire.
Lee and Stryker got spooked and tried to run for it but the sudden fire that was catching all the trees stopped them dead in their tracks. Everywhere they looked was fire as Star flailed uncontrollably as his inferno raged on without any means to an end. The Scyther flew away into the sky and just barely getting over the treetops. Lee's bravado was replaced with utter fear as he tried to reason with Star, but to no avail. He ended up hunkering down behind some rocks and cowering in fear. Mia slowly got up and looked around gasping. The sky was tinted a sinister grey as smoke stacked over the trees. Star was still billowing fire, she had to stop him. She ran over and tackled him from his back but he kept shooting flames.
It was comforting to know how much he cared for her, but this was too much."Star! Star stop please! It's over!" she said, pushing at his back. He couldn't hear her, he was lost in his rage. His entire life, all that built up stress was being unleashed on the forest, and there was a lot of tension that needed to be released. Mia began to sob again. In front of her eyes, she had lost her home, but more importantly, her friend. A crackling sound knocked her out of her sobs as she turned. A large tree was falling toward them. She looked and tried to jump to Star to push him out of the way, but it was too late as it smashed into the ground only inches away from Star. The shockwave dazed him and he clenched his teeth, fire building up in his cheeks. He choked and fell to the ground, coughing directly downwards at his feet. Big mistake. He caught fire as well. Just because he was a fire-type doesn't mean he can't still feel it. He flailed as the fire burnt off his fur, his screams of pain echoing throughout the forest as he stumbled and finally fell into the pond, that was dotted with ash.
Star woke up several minutes later in a cold sweat, his heart beating. He was having a nightmare. Screams of his family, of the forest-folk, of Mia. At least it was over. He sat up but was surprised to see that he was half deep in water. 'Oh no...' thought Star. He looked around. The area was blackened and striped bare with no sign of green anywhere. Not a single soul either, only him.
"Mom! Dad!" he cried out, still sitting in the puddle. No answer. "Mia!? Mia where are you?!" he cried. This had to be a trick. He couldn't have done all this, he didn't even like fighting. He looked down at his reflection. His ear was badly torn, and he was covered in burns, cuts, and bruises, no thanks to Lee. His remaining fur was matted down and covered in soot, and what was left, was somehow dyed a dark blue color. He touched his face, and it stung him. He couldn't fathom it. He, and he alone, killed everything that he had ever known. He looked back down at his reflection, and he saw the sash around his neck, still as new as when he got it. His lip quivered and for the first time, Star cried, his tears falling in droplets into the puddle below him.
"Fire. It is one of my most powerful weapons. It can save you from the coldest breezes and defend you from harm, fire became my best friend. But then..." The Houndoom was staring down at the floor, choking up a bit, and stuttering. "I watched fire kill my family and my friends in front of my eyes...and I couldn't do anything about it." Star said between sniffles, holding back a sob. He hadn't cried since the first forest fire and he intended to keep it that way, even though it was a difficult task indeed. Scarlet had been regretting asking the question from the start, and had she known that it would turn out the way it did, she probably wouldn't have asked. She was turned away, her signature smile erased from her face as she lowered her head. Star was still struggling to keep his sobs in, choking and sniffling, his head on his desk. Scarlet was stiff, not knowing what to do. She reluctantly turned her head enough to look at her guardian. After a couple awkward seconds, Star sat up and took a deep breath, his eyes slightly bloodshot. She stared at him with a mournful look, she shouldn't had pressed. She was surprised that he even answered her in the first place. Any question that had to do with his past usually was responded with an unintelligible grunt or a shrug followed by an, "I don' know." She thought about it a for a bit. For someone so close, and to be so concealed about their history was a bit suspicious now that she thought about it. He was hiding something, and he just spilt his heart out just for her. "...just like you..." The vixen flicked her ears and squinted a bit at the Houndoom. His sash, the one he got when the fire happened, caught her eye. Scarlet was a smart girl, maybe a bit too smart for her own good considering her age. She closed her eyes and began to think.
'He told me the story because I pressured him with my scarf, but that can't be it. Anything I have asked in the past didn't get me anywhere, even if I bribed, persuaded, or threatened him. Was it something I said? Hmm...' Star was quiet, rubbing his temples carefully with his eyes closed. "...just like you..." rang in her ears again. 'Just like you? Why is this so significant?' She thought back to his story. 'A young, lonely pokemon is the only survivor in a forest fire...' Her eyes shot open and she let out a loud gasp. How could she had been so blind? Star snapped back into reality and looked towards Scarlet.
"S-Sorry about that...why did you gasp?" he asked, looking just like normal. She turned towards him with a scowl beginning to form. She wasn't even sure her theory was correct, she was going on a whim, but it's better to find the truth now than never.
"You did it," she said firmly. Star blinked and rubbed his head.
"W-What?" Scarlet stood up from her pillow and slowly inched her way across the wooden desk to Star.
"You. You were the one who burned down my forest weren't you." Scarlet's voice was threatening, and it wasn't letting up. Star scooted back in his chair a bit, but kept his forearms on the desk.
"Scarlet, come on, do you know what you're saying?" he replied. The Houndoom's face was blank, and he maintained eye contact. If he remembered anything from his thieving days, it was how to lie. He had to though. The way she was acting, it wouldn't end well if the truth was told, even such a huge lie it was.
The vixen growled and kept coming closer to Star. "Thats why you took me under your wing isn't it!" she said, raising her voice. A bead of sweat dripped down his shaggy fur as he tried to keep calm. "It wasn't because you were feeling generous, or sorry for me!" Star moved closer and his face slowly began to scowl. "It was because you were trying to fix your own horrible mistakes!" Star closed his eyes. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. A lump in his throat kept him from speaking as he listened in dread. She had him all figured out. "Thats all it was! For your own selfish reasons! I can't believe I saw it sooner!" Scarlet kept talking, not giving Star a smidge of a chance to speak. "You didn't even consider telling me that it was you too either Uncle Star?!" She said her little nickname to him in a way that felt like he had been struck by knife to the chest.
"Scarlet..." he said softly, his head lowered. He thought back to the day that he took her in, and all the training they did at his home.
"...you and I both know that you aren't the 'child caring' type." Nefi's words rang through his skull as she assaulted him with his mistakes. He knew it was going to come to this one way or another, but not like this.
"And I suppose all that training and hard work to get me into the guild was just another excuse for me to forget my parents, and the fire that you caused!" She was right in front of him now, poking him as hard as she could in his chest. Star's paws slowly clenched tightly as he tried to talk.
"Scarlet..." he said, louder this time. She didn't seem to notice, or care. "Did you honestly think I would never find out? Everything I loved was in that forest, you think I would just forget that? I'm sure you of all pokemon would know the answer to that!" With every hard jab to his chest, he felt his paw clench tighter and tighter. He couldn't stop it, he felt like his chest was going to drag him to the center of the earth.
"Scarlet..." he kept trying, but she wouldn't let up. "My family! My home! All of it gone due to your arrogance!" The foxes eyes were full of hate and anger, and the more Star sat there and took it only made it worse, for her and him. "You heartless." Star could feel his body tremble, it felt dark and possessed.
"Shut up..." he couldn't control his body.
"Selfish." His paw was in a rock hard fist, and quivering in rage.
"Thieving mutt!" she finished.
Star's once blank expression turned into a large, toothy snarl as he clenched his eyes shut. Star seldom got angry, and there was more to it than him just being laid back. He couldn't control his anger, like he was another pokemon. A more, vicious and uncaring pokemon. It was too late now.
"Shut up!" Star roared at the top of his lungs, standing up quickly making Scarlet jump back and cower at the edge of his desk, staring in fear at the angered hellhound. The Houndoom brought his fist down onto the tiny fox, knocking her off the desk and across the room with ease. She landed with a thud, her back to Star as she lay motionless for a second. Star's eyes trembled as he regained control of himself, staring in shock at what he had just done. He lifted his paw to his face, it still stinging from the blow. He turned back, his mouth agape as the fluffy figure slowly shook and rose to its feet. She quivered and slowly turned to Star. Her pale pink eyes staring at him with pure terror, and resentment. She had a gash above her right eye, dripping over her face, and onto the floor.
"S-Scarlet...I-I didn't mean to..." Star tried to say, but it only came out as a barely audible whisper. He moved from his desk and tried to approach her, but she held out a paw in self-defence and thrashed, trying to gain her footing to run away. She managed to do so, and bolted out of the door, and heading towards the stairs outside. Star, still dazed from shock and his burst of anger, tried his best to keep up with her. She was faster of course, being smaller and more nimble than the clumsy Houndoom. "Scarlet! Come back, please!" Star pleaded in between breaths as he ran up the stairs
He heard the main door unlock and creek open. He pushed his body to run faster, going up the remainder of the stairs reaching the top after a couple of seconds. The large door was creeked open just enough for her to get through, and Star slowly pushed it open. The moonlight shined across his dark blue fur as he frantically looked around for the vixen. The snow was slowly falling over the town as the Houndoom ran out, and into the town. There were no tracks or footprints in the snow. There were no threads of her fur hanging from trees and brambles. There was no note or piece of clothing. It's like she just dissapeared. Star made it to the center of the town, and skidded to a halt, but the ice made him slip and fall on his stomach. He didn't want to get up, he didn't want to accept the fact that she, no matter what he thought, was gone. He curled up as the snow slowly piled up on his back as he lay in the middle of the plaza. He didn't mind if he caught a sickness, or if he froze to death out here. Nothing really even mattered to him anymore. He spent so much time with Scarlet, all those adventures, the fun and games. He even remembered a surprise birthday party she threw for him a few months back. He had never felt anyone be so welcoming and affectionate towards him before, and he never gave those feelings to much of anyone else either. It's amazing how quickly someone loses faith after such a short amount of time. Star slowly tightened his sash around his neck and tucked his nose into it.
After that day, Star was either extremely cross, inactive or a mixture of the two. His adventuring spirit, along with Scarlet's, disappeared and was replaced with grief. He usually walked around the guild, not giving out jobs, not taking jobs, and silent. Any little thing made him snap, and as a result, most members left him alone to grieve in peace. If he wasn't doing that, he was locked in his office. What he was doing was anyone's guess, but he made sure that no one could get in while he was in there. The productivity of the guild declined to an all time low, barely making enough money to get through the month. This was partly due to Scarlet's tendency to rake in much more than any other team and the fact that Star was in charge of finances, and with him doing anything but that, it was only natural for the income to plummet. No one seemed to mind though, Star wasn't the only one affected by the loss of Scarlet.
The guild was gloomy, and not as peppy as it used to be. Everyone loved Scarlet. She knew everyone and knew exactly what made them smile and without her, everyone seemed to just give up. Nero was extremely devastated. The loss of one of the best members the guild has seen to date was heartbreaking to him, and all the money she always brought in wasn't helping either, as it was gone too. Ace and Tara took a break from exploring for a while. Being their team member and close friend, seeing her suddenly vanish made it difficult for their morale. Every mission they went on ended up in failure, and they couldn't seem to get back into the rhythm of things. The town of Presidium seemed depressing for a few weeks as well. Most of the shopkeepers knew the friendly Zorua very well; she was always buying gifts for everyone with all her leftover cash. The town was slow, no one really wanting to buy anything. Nefi seemed the least bit affected. He was still very sympathetic towards Star, which was odd. Maybe he felt that if he teased the explorer with a "I told you so" he would only end up getting hurt. But in reality, he never had any attachment towards the vixen and wasn't impacted as the rest of the more familiar town. Alex and Imani were the last ones to hear the news, and, were two sad when it reached them. Scarlet, like Star, stopped by their home every so often for supplies and just to talk with the two, but she was more welcome than Star. She always seemed to bring charisma and charm to any dreary place, and with her gone, the abandoned mansion turned quiet once again.
Time heals all wounds though and the town, and its residents soon returned to its normal business. Even Star, who took much longer than the others, returned back to his old self. It's surprising how quickly people can forget about someone, no matter how much of an influence they were. Maybe the world wouldn't get anywhere if everyone mourned every loss forever, so they are forced to forget. But even though they have to forget, doesn't mean that they will.