1:20 A Long Detour

This time, he took the horse's arm with him. alias's free paw attached to the horse's forehead, forcing his back to arch outward. manipulating the horse's own arm, alias forced the clutched pistol to the horse's back.

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Through A Glass Darkly - 1

Posted using postybirb an old gray mare walked down a road. the road was made of well-laid cobblestones, as if it led to a busy market square, though the mare could see no buildings.

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Acceptance - Forgiveness

The horse slammed his fist into the wall. "god dammit tofwap why!" the horse nearly threw himself onto his bed. ripping the plastic covered padding off and throwing it at the garbage can.

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Chapter 3 - The Perfect Picnic

As mares go, rainbow was as stallion as they got! but was any of this right? for hearts and hooves day, the town would be packed with mare and stallion couples spending the day together.

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New Horse In Town

I'm guessing you're a college horse?" the young stallion looked mildly surprised but nodded, starting to respond "yes, but how did you ...?" "gotta watch out for claymore, young man!"

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 3

The unicorn mare walked into the room, two cups and a tea pot floating behind her.

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New Companions

Greetings to all of you, my name is cheshire and the hot headed horse under me is alberich. also just so you know while that big black horse won't hurt you, he is a war horse so best if you keep the kids from annoying him.

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Binary Genetics-Chapter 2

stallions would sometimes kill foals that were the offspring of other stallions to promote their genetics. he didn't know enough about hooper, he was relatively young. the horse in dan took over, and he stuck his head up, biting at the air.

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The Rise of Clyde

The horse reaches down and takes off the jackrabbit's shoes, tossing them onto the ground.

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A Whole New World

Many years ago a boat was lauched to explore the new world by the english, on board were a crew of mostly cats and horses, horses tended to the sailes and heavie crates while the cats did the navigating and look out shifts.

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Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen

"you've only tasted it once" "doesn't matter" \*ahem\* i turn around and steb is on his horse, waiting. "well see ya -" i say as i mount my horse "tomorrow, i know" we set off at a canter. the pace of the horses makes it difficult to talk.

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Twisted Purity

For by giving up half his horn the stallion did not give up his power but shared it. so both of them became connected in soul and in spirit. the boy's darkness had infested the stallion like a disease until it drove him mad.

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