A Whole New World
(Hello everyone this is a prologue to a story or a pre story i guess, i haven't writen a story in at least a year so expected crapy grammar and it being short i guess, hopefully not, now on to the story.)
warning, this story has no logic behind it, not a random one, it does have a plot, oh and for reference, the main character is my fursona so u already know he's a black cat.
Many years ago a boat was lauched to explore the new world by the english, on board were a crew of mostly cats and horses, horses tended to the sailes and heavie crates while the cats did the navigating and look out shifts. Everything was heading smoothly and perfectley, till they found me. I wanted to get out of england, the air was thick with suit, my family hated me, and i had no life. Iwanted to go to the new world, to make a name for myself, start a new life, to be happy for once in my life, but sadly...
"hey we need this crate moved!" "right sir!" two voices i heard that sealed me and the crews fate, i felt the air hit myfur as the crate was moved from it's positon on top of four other crates in wich i somehow got myself in the center of those four crates the top crate concealing me. i look up as my ears fall as the stallion looks at me. "eh, look here, we gots a stowaway." the stallion said in a heavie voic as the simese cat came over. "hmm, bring him to the captain, he'll decide what to do with him." the simese said as i was forcefully grabbed and dragged up the steps of the cargo bay and to the captine's corders.
The captain looked up from his mapping as the doors opened as the stallion brought me in my head drooped as if defeated. "sorry to disturb u sir but i found a stowaway in the cargo bay. what would u like to be done to him sir?" the stallion asked but the captain looked at me for a minute and said, "he has a choice, he can be shakled and spend a few days in jail in the new world, or he can swab the decks and be free and clear when we get to the new world. So which will it be son?" needles to say i didn't have to think about it. "swab the decks sir." i say as my ears were perked up as high as they can go.
It wasn't even a day or two un till it happened, all the horses and felines retired to sleep except me, the captain, and the look out, i was busy swabbing the deck as the look out was searching for land and the captain was doing god knows what, probably reading a book of some sort. Then it happened, fog started to roll in and the look out yelled out fog ahead.
the captain marked his page as he put the book down and mumbled to himself as he padded out side. "don't worry, we're on course!" the grey tabby yelled at the look out and the look out just nodded and went back to his job, but i couldn't shake the feeling that something was strangling me, like i couldn't breath right, like i was being watched. A wave hit the rudder of the ship as it snapped and jammed turning us southward and as we were right in perfect line with antartica another wave slammed the jammed rudder back into position and we were now stuck heading to antartica.
days, weeks, even months past, our food supplie and water supplie were gone, many died, but i, two horses, the captain and a cat were still alive. i was laying on the deck starved and thirsty lips and toungue drier then a desert, the two horses doing something in the cargo bay, the cat in the look out station, and the captain trying to steer a broken wheel thinking 'we're almost there.' i began to lose hope but then the look out, biting his own arm and using his own blood to wet his maw yelled out land ho and we were all happy this simple journey turned nightmare was finaly over, but it just got worse.
The captain looked for a port, but just gaped in aww as clifs of white showed instead of trees or wide open plains, nothing but white filled his eyes as he looked for a place to dock his ship, he ended up running-ah-ground in a patch of ice and the waters around the ice where freezing aswell as the ship was incased in ice. after a while the captain ordered abandon ship as i and the two stallions and the captain and the cat hit the ice i looked over to the captain, "what now?"
"i say we.....i.....i.....i don't know what to do, i'm sorry crew, i let u down." at that moment, i saw so much defeat wrighten on his face. "captain, snap out of it, listen i say we try to find some food in this....whatever the hell it is, what do u say?" the group agreed in unison as we headed out, sticking to gather for warmth even though we had fur we could still feel the chill in the air. unfotunately there was no food, we were stuck on a white desert of snow, one by one we feel, first the horses fell, then the look out, it was just me and the captain.
we walked for a couple of hours i was still trugging along but the captain was breathing hard and fast and was weaving side to side, i knew he only had a matter of minutes before he gave in to the harsh land aswell. So i let him use my shoulder as like a tool for leveridge. "thank u" he said silently in my ear as we kept walking he started stumbling and as time went on it became more frequint untill he gave up. i sttood by his side on my knees as i tried picking him up and saying, "get up sir, we can make it, i know we can, we got to stick togather sir." and heflipped on to his back and looked me in the eyes, "no, it's over for me kid, i'm threw and done for, but u have a chance, take my coat, it'll keep u warm." he said as he gave on last breath and his eyes closed shut slowly as i tried to shake him and told him to wake up, but it was useless, he was gone.
i took his coat as he had requested and i stumbled threw the snow for several days falling asleep every now and then hoping i wouldn't open my eyes ever agin but i did so i kept going, i was completely surprised one day to realize, the sun has not yet set once since we spotted this land, i was fasinated but then i finaly saw it, the moon started to come out and i smiled some but that quickly faded as the chilly white desert of doom soon became a dark frozen death trap as it got colder and all i had was a flimsy coat. i trugged for hours on end as i wasn't carefull and sliped into what seemed like a small deep pond of cold as the water started to insta freeze around me my eyes wint wide and thought 'is this it, this is the end, frozen in a cruel unforgiving land, well if it is....i welcome it.' i thought for what i hoped at the point the last time as it seem like i fell in a deep sleep.
many upon many years passed ice and snow piled on top of me decades, past as it hit 2010, a year i'll never foreget as two polar bears decided to take a vaca and wanted to see antartica in all its beautie came to antartica and the husband decides to have a fun little fight witch ended in an all out snow ball war, the wife freaked when she hit a bump in the snow and she looked down and almost screamed her head off when se saw me in the snow just laying there mur almost pure light blue, covered in ice. the husband and wife used a walkie-talkie to send a message to the near by research station, soon my frozen body was being wisked away to the research station by a helicopter.
(end of prologue.)
(so feedback would be much appreciated, thank u and have a nice day. ^^)