Chapter 3 - The Perfect Picnic
#3 of Raridash Shipping
Third chapter, which I'm quite proud of. The more I write of a certain story, the better I find that story becomes! Please comment, negative or positive. You know, as long as it's constructive! XP
A new morning would break over the Northern hills, spilling into the dusty streets of Ponyville. Tweeting of the early birds rung out as they zipped from tree to tree, a cool breeze dancing over the new dew on the grass blades that swung in rhythm with the crisp summer wind. A tired warmth slipped into the Boutique's bedroom, a dim glow as the Sun fought against the shining blinds at the windows. And in the midst of the mountainous sheets and landscape of a duvet was a slowly awakening Rarity. The white mare was still stirring, blue eyes taking sometime to adjust to the beginning of the new day. But something was amiss. Forelegs held only a pillow. Rainbow Dash was gone.
It took Rarity a few moments to register that the beloved mare she had fallen asleep with was missing, her fresh, warm scent still deep in the bed clothes. But her presence was gone; she must have lost nerve and left. Tears welled in those glimmering eyes, lacking the energy to start crying. Over the past day or so, Rarity held a fragile hope from some semblance of connection, a hint of romance. But all that was gone now. She sat up in the bed, back against the firm, unyielding headboard as she weighed in her thoughts.
"Okay Rarity, she left. But she is still your friend," began the white mare quietly to herself, reviewing her options, "You are a lady. And as a lady, you will be gracious. I'm sure it was just a...misunderstanding! Rainbow was just playing along, but now things are back to the way they were."
It took a few moments for those words to sink in. She didn't want things to go back to normal. What was 'normal' after last night?
Suddenly, a clattering of dishes and cups would make Rarity jump in her bed, a clumsy crescendo of hooves clambering up the stairway and into the bedroom. And there she was; Rainbow Dash stood in there doorway, still wrapped in that white robe with the purple trim and a breakfast tray clamped firmly in her mouth.
Rarity was stunned as she flopped forward as Dash carefully laid the simply breakfast at the foot of the bed. Mouth was even hung open; very unlady like!
"What?!" blurted Rainbow in a half screech that was so characteristic of her tone of voice, "I thought that, you know...might want breakfast."
The tray itself held a plate of two croissants with a little curl of butter, a tall glass of chilled orange juice and a little napkin for any mess. Rarity was used to being pampered at a spa or in a fancy hotel, but never in her own home! And not by such a stud-like mare more akin to flying than cooking! As an act, it was strange and expected if not unwelcome. But as a gesture...well those tears were far from gone.
A hoof was the solution to her emotion however, Rarity wiping her eyes as the sudden flare of her magic horn slid the tray to her lap, "How...sweet of you, Rainbow Dash darling! I never expected this of you, but I'm ever so grateful."
"Aww it's nothing. Anything for my girl!" came a humble reply, a light blush pushing clear through those blue cheeks. Rainbow even trotted over, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the pure white cheek of her bed-bound mate.
Rarity had to take a moment or two to register what she was just given, shooting Dash a scrutinising look in jest, "Are you feeling alright, Dashy? This is most unlike you!"
"Yeah yeah! You just enjoy your breakfast. I'm dying to go for a flight, stretch my wings a bit, y'know?"
Just to think that a day ago, the couple had felt nothing for each other. Nothing that was obvious, that is. And yet, as Rarity enjoyed her breakfast and as Rainbow Dash soared gallantly through the dawn's fresh breeze, both couldn't get their minds off of what was happening. It was a whole new world for the both of them. For Rainbow, she had admired her betters such as Spitfire or Soarin', and she loved her friends dearly. But she had never been IN love with someone. Rarity had always been beautiful, even to Dash herself. But her generosity and warmth was even more of a pull to the blue coated filly.
Rarity too had many desires to those around her. Envy and adoration of the fashionistas she doted over as well as her dreams of some charming Prince and dashing stallion. But all those things were shallow and less of an attraction after her experiences with Prince Blueblood. What made Dashy such a heartthrob was her undying loyalty, the grace of her movements when in flight and her tomboyish humour. As mares go, Rainbow was as stallion as they got!
But was any of this right? For Hearts and Hooves day, the town would be packed with mare and stallion couples spending the day together. But never had either of them seen two mares or two stallions around together. Was it even natural? It felt like the world was against them, that the sort of love they had for each other was unwelcome. Would the town accept them? More importantly, would their friends accept them? Even with all the fear and doubt, neither of them were phased.
A few laps around Ponyville with a you touch of cloud busting on the way and Rainbow was finished, coming into land back on the front porch of the Boutique. Rarity had finished her meal and was just finishing the washing up of her dishes.
"Sky's totally clear today. Glad I ain't the only one putting in the hard work!" commented Dash as she trotted into the kitchen to catch up with her companion.
"Oh really? Well wouldn't you say that's the perfect excuse for a little picnic? I'm sure the lake by Sweet Apple Acres would be a wonderful spot to have one!"
"Sure, great idea Rari'! I could use a dip too!" squealed Dash as she clapped her hooves in excitement, keen to see it through, "Should we invite the others?"
A blush lit up on Rarity's cheeks, her muzzle scrunching up in thought, "Oh well, that is a wonderful idea. But I was hoping that it could be a bit more...private. Just you and I, perhaps?"
Blue cheeks lit up with the same pink at the suggestion, foreleg softly scratching at the other beside it, "That does sound good... I better go scout it out, make sure it's not packed with ponies trying to escape the heat!"
A turn of her tail and Dash was rushing from the kitchen, with only an outcry from Rarity stopping her in her tracks, "Dashy!"
"It might be wise for you to take off my robe first, hmm?"
That sharp smirk would make Rainbow look down to the white gown was she still dressed in, 'Rarity' sewn into a diamond shaped patch on the left side of the chest.
Dash bleated out a nervous snigger, "Oh yeah, good idea."
As the gown was stripped off and plopped so unceremoniously on the floor, Rarity would question how Dash would have flown in it, since the garment lacked space or holes for wings in the back. She must have taken it off only to put it back on again!
It was only a short walk to the shallow lake by the back of Sweet Apple Acres. For most ponies, it wasn't a very popular spot, being mostly ignored in favour of chilling out in town. Dash frequently used the spot to relax and sunbathe, as well as swim with Pinkie when she got the chance. Rarity had gotten some time there once or twice, the shade of the solitary tree at the waters edge an inviting place to read a good book.
For the walk over, the pair acted like it was nothing. The picnic basket was balanced on Dash's back, held by the joints of her wings as Rarity's horn sparked into life. An aura of blue trimmed magic enveloped the basket, opening it up to take the ground sheet and lay it down, opening different containers of treats as well as a tea set, placing them down neatly atop their quilt. Dash had always admired magic, making tasks that would require use of clumsy hooves or a mouth a piece of cake.
As always, Dash seized the opportunity to lay herself back, her favourite black shade slipped out onto her muzzle and slid to her eyes. Hooves slid behind her head, digging into her colourful mane as the Sun shone across her to bake her blue fur. Rarity was accessorising as she normally would, taking a summery wrap over her head to cover her eyes, working on serving some food.
"Ow!" came a sudden screech from the purple maned mare, recoiling from her bent over position to sit back on her haunches.
Rainbow tipped her glasses, peering over to her complaining companion, "You alright, Rari'?"
It was clear the pony was in a spot of pain, the glum look on her face as she looked over her shoulder to her back. For a summertime romance, this isn't what Rarity had in mind. She was used to being looked after and pampered, to have a handsome prince dote upon her and treat her like a Queen. Instead she had been made to huff it to the creek and sort out the food.
"Oh it's nothing, darling. Just a little bit of pain in the back. I've been very busy filling orders this week, haven't had much time to relax!"
The hanging of her bottom lip and half closed lids showed she was not having a good time. Dash gave a pause before moving beside her and helping her down.
"Here, lay down a sec," began the athletic filly, helping Rarity onto her front. Rough blue hooves went to the back of her pampered friend, pushing into the plush of her coat as small circles were mixed into her shoulder blades. Hefty pushes up in firm motions would work the muscles around her upper back, slowly working long lines over her spine inwards towards the base.
"Rainbow!" gasped the regal filly, hind legs giving a stretch of elation as her body shook with subtle shudders of joy, "Wherever did you learn do give such glorious massages?"
A bright smile came to Dash, actually happy to help her friend, "The Wonderbolt Academy! Some of the other cadets taught me about this massage. Helps relax you after a heavy flight session, but I'm sure it works for not pegasi too!"
And boy, was it working! Rarity's hind leg would have been kicking if not for her dignified self control! Those skilled hooves dug deep into the firm muscles of Rarity's back, making short work of all the tension that caused those aches and pains. Shoulders would turn to jelly, muzzle laid down to the floor at as those eyes calmly closed.
"Oh Rainbow..." cooed the blissful mare, lost in the excellent job her new partner was doing. Such strength and yet such tenderness! Even Rainbow was blushing, not that the light embarrassment from such lusty praise gave her reason to hesitate.
"Well howdy there, Rarity!" called an all too familiar voice in a southern drawl that snapped the diamond printed mare so swiftly from her massage. With Rarity so strewn across the blanket, the approaching Applejack had not spotted Dash yet, as she was hidden behind the tree. The pair immediately sat up, hind quarters to the ground as those blue eyes would catch onto the approaching orange mare.
"Applejack, darling!" proclaimed a startled Rarity, fire burning bright in her cheeks, "What brings you out here?"
"When I finish ma chores at the orchid, I like to come out here for a quick dip! Helps relieve all the stress and what not."
As she approached, Applejack soon spotted Dash as her view crept around past the tree that was hiding her away.
"Oh, howdy there Rainbow! You two havin' yourselves a little picnic?"
Dash dared not to turn around, her face a blaze with the embarrassment of almost being caught.
"Indeed we are, dear. Decided to enjoy the simply gorgeous weather we have today!" chimed Rarity, answering for Dash while she wrestled for composure.
"Alright then. Fine idea, 'specially with this heat we're having!" retorted the southern mare as she trotted closer to them, moving around to Rainbow's front, "Thanks again for Winona's grooming, Rare. She ain't looked so good in forever and was certainly due for a --"
Applejack paused mid sentence, a look of concern taking hold as she observed the deep red of the blue filly's face.
"Um Rainbow? Are you feelin' alright? Your more red than basket full o' strawberries!"
Lips would move, grunting out a few noises and whines, as if all the possible lies she could tell we're jammed in her throat at once.
"Rainbow Dash is just feeling a little...flustered from the sunshine! Far too much sunbathing, I fear!" Rarity chipped in to save her wordless companion, "Isn't that right, Rainbow?"
"Uh yeah!" responded the blushing pony, a nervous chuckle buried in her tone, "Stayed out in the open too long! Hehe, you know how it is AJ!"