Meet the Studs: Joao, the Dark Wall of Dragon Meat
Appearance: standing at nearly nine feet tall, weighing in at barely under a ton and sporting an unbelievable 10 foot wingspan, joao cuts one of the most imposing figures in nagualkind.
The First Hard Steps
From being in sports aplenty and his own drive to be at a healthy weight, he was a strong, muscled individual as well at a weight of 184 pounds. his simple white t-shirt covered up his torso, save for his blue furred arms.
A Hogwarts Diary
About his favourite subjects (herbology and charms), the house he was sorted to (ravenclaw) and how he was disappointed that his house did not win either the quidditch (a sport involving broomsticks and different kinds of balls; note to self: analyze the sport
More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl
Perhaps he should get back into sports? finally after a long time without being in them he'd have an excuse to, as much as he loved lexiharin was almost as much as he missed sports.
Discharging Ballast (TTW pt. 7)
Or maybe kane just didn't understand sports. abel muted the tv. "what's up?" he asked. "huh, oh nothing." "bs, you never talk sports. what's up?" kane turned to look at abel.
The Lost Kid - A Gilead Story
The changes were starting to grow more and more, sporting a small tail that is growing bushier by the second! 'if i don't get him out of here in time, there's gonna be a lot of trouble! we can't have that...'
Journey to another world pt3 ch97
She said as she brought around her tail to fan herself or maybe it was to hide that very large grin that she was sporting underneath the fan.
Beer Brawl
"let's face it donna, you are terrible at sports and everybody knows it. you've been like that for the numerous years that i have known you." "you better stop while you're ahead," she warns.
Burdens - Chapter 49: Positive
He did not know, he was not into their sports programs, but hunter was. perhaps he could ask. he was glad that the teacher would put in a good word for him, though.
One Cold Morning - SilverPup © 2009
He yelled, "why can't he like sports like the rest of the kids..." that's where i started to frown, curl up into a ball, plugging my ears and close my eyes.
Tea Break
Finn replied, catching up with the cat, just as she reached her car: a sleek black sports car. it was shaped much like a lamborghini, with a few minor adjustments.
Taia's Character Reference Sheet
Enjoys messing around and having fun with friends, playing sports and games.