[p] How Maylene and Candice Saved Christmas

To their astonishment, though, the two young women didn't spy the sleigh flying overhead--it touched down jerkily right on candice's snow-covered lawn!

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Chapter 1: Access granted

"also says the black hat bitch who stole twenty million pounds from a company that was spying on its clients" trent shot back. "touché" kit said.

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

._ farnsbeck was originally a spy sent by lord riteyai. that lasted about four sentences. then he became a spy that was on break. lord riteyai did send him, but now it was as a favor to benayle.

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Paying Miss Simon a visit

"to spy on an ex-colleague?" "you could say so." "in any case, make sure the flash is off. i hope that you snoop better than you sneak."

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Chapter 21: Kissy Faces

"you spy on him!" kayya accused. "did you spy on us on our wedding night!" yeneneshe's ears flattened, but she otherwise did not move. she kept her face turned away, and the sweep of her white mane hid her expression.

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Celeste Pt I

The small girl replies in a hardened tone, "one of their spies murdered my mother. as the sole heir to the assahlian bloodline i have inherited the right to the call."

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The Magician's Test

Then out of the corner of his eye, he spied the wine red spine of the book he needed. mrs. melody's magical compendium for the initiate spellcaster.

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Adept Paws 7: Familiar Faces

"did you spy out the route, chib-bib?" the faerret giggled like this was some grand game, slithering between her magicking paws. "heeheehee! spying and slying, sneaking and snaking! yes-yes!"

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Ashcroft Investigations: The Case of the Stolen Watch

That meant they just went back and forth between spying something orange (calex) or something gray (odin). such an inane game would drive most sane creatures mad. luckily these two were already there.

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SATAM: Internal Conflict - Chapter One

"and besides, it's only one little spy-eye - easy enough ta hide from. now if it was a load of swats movin' through here..."

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** d12 **magic** d4 **spirit** d6 _knowledge(sci)_ d12 _knowledge(hist)_ d8 _knowledge(law)_ d8 _notice_ d6 _tinkering_ d6 _riding_ d6 _intimidation_ d4 1 edge (linguist: 12 languages), major hindrance (overconfident), 2 minor hindrances **the spy


Mavs Iditarod...pt 2, intermission

Finally, i come to an outcrop, and creep up behind a large rock, peering over it to spy down on the source of the distress call.

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