Celeste Pt I

Story by Ryuukiba on SoFurry

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Celeste is the mother of Sheath Solarin from my Book Sheath X Felix. This story is the first of a series of short stories that will follow her life from childhood to the birth of Sheath.

On a planet far, far away from the earth, a small creature is standing on the edge of a cliff. From afar it can only be identified as a female child, a small lithe figure facing the endless abyss of the night. When viewed from closer it becomes although of youth, she is no human child. The girl's small hands and arms are covered in long silver fur that flutters about in the gentle breeze that blows onto her from beyond the cliff.

To make her difference even more profound it can be noticed that her face is distinctly wolf like, with a long muzzle and two pointed ears poking up through the platinum tangle of hair on her head. There are tears in her eyes, slowly flowing down her muzzle, falling into the abyss before her.

Standing there, the girl opens her mouth to let out a mournful howl, falling to her knees dangerously close to the jagged edge. Kneeling there she thrusts her closed fists forward over the edge as the aching tone of her cry tapers out into silence.

In her right paw is a scrap of golden fabric, and in the other, a bloody detached forearm. Sobbing, the small child releases the two objects, the limb falling lifelessly into the darkness below as the glimmering scrap of fabric is caught up in the wind and blowing up into the air behind her and over the forest beyond.

The child remains there at the edge of the cliff sobbing uncontrollably before taking in a breath and wiping the tears from her muzzle.

Clenching her teeth she speaks, "He who has killed my mother will not live beyond this moon." She pauses, looking at the blood on her right paw, "No one sheds Assailian blood and goes unpunished."

She clenches the small bloody hand into a fist and pulls herself to her feet, staring challengingly into the darkness beyond.

"You will pay for this Nazerahe!" She cries, "You will pay!"

Thusly consoled, she spins about rapidly, the flowing tail of her blue satin dress splaying out behind her as she runs into the forest.

As she runs another howl escapes her lips, but this one is nothing like the one of sadness she had cried on the Cliffside. This howl is forceful and high pitched, tearing through the silence of the night as she breaks free of the trees and strides her way down the main road of a small woodland village.

As she runs along similarly wolfish Creatures begin to emerge from their homes, joining her in her rapid journey down the main causeway of the town. As they run, they join the girl in her piercing retort, adding their own rattling tones to the wail of her call.

The growing mass of wolves continues thusly down the road, until the small girl reaches the front steps of a slender pyramid shaped domicile made of polished black stone. The first rays of dawn spill over the horizon as she halts, panting, before the imposing structure.

The citizens of the town, all wolfish as she, gather in a semicircle around her, murmuring anxiously amongst themselves.

The small she-wolf before them goes by the name of Celeste. She is the daughter of Anehlle, the Alpha Assimilate of the Lupinean league of assassins. A coveted group of killers borne from the bloodline of the god Lupineus himself.

The gathering is tense with fear. Celeste has just raised the call to arms, a duty that is usually entrusted only to the Alpha Zenith of their pack. The building they are now gathered in front of is the den of Halzeith, the Alpha Zenith of the Voihwood Pack. It is likely that he will be very displeased about hat Celeste has done.

By raising the alarm without his permission she has broken clan law and will likely be punished severely.

Suddenly a loud snarl sounds from within the walls of the stone structure. With a hiss of energy a door shaped part of the front wall illuminates and vanishes, revealing the figure of a tall burly wolf.

"Cleleste Assahlian!" the shape barks in a guttural voice, "What is the meaning of this call!? As the Zenith of this woodland only I have the right to raise the call to arms!"

"The Animihlians have arrived." The small girl replies in a hardened tone, "One of their spies murdered my mother. As the Sole Heir to the Assahlian bloodline I have inherited the right to the call."

Terrified murmuring ripples through the gathered townsfolk as Halzeith steps forwad, his hulking image revealed by the brightening light of dawn.

He is massively powerful in appearance. His fur on most of his body is void black and his arms and legs are thick and bulky, on his chest he has a sizeable white plume of fur that accentuates the messy inky ruff of hair on his head. The crowd backs up as he walks, step by powerful step up to the small child.

He kneels down so he is at her level and the girl meets his eyes challengingly.

"Is this true?" he asks.

Celeste nods, "An avian by the name of Zazerahe attacked me and my mother in the woods, killed her, and took off in the direction of Unity."

Halzeith growls raucously lifting his muzzle to release a terrifying, earsplitting, roar.

The gathered town howls vengefully in reply.

Celeste steps back from her Alpha, turning to the crowd of wolves behind her. Looking at all of the adults she is suddenly daunted by what she has just done. By taking the place of her other as the Alpha Assimilate of the league of assassins, she has eliminated any chance of her having a normal childhood. Not that that was an option anyways, with the Animihlian siege impending.

She narrows her eyes as she recalls the foul nation of Unionists. Many years ago a wolf by the name of Drivel became the Alpha Zenith of the Silver Plain. With his rise to power came the rise of a grand ne idea for the peoples of Diahia.

For hundreds of years the Fauhnans of this continent have gone in and out of periods of warfare, driven by disputes between species. Over time, the battles have taken their toll on the land and the people of all the nations. Tensions between nations would often lead to disputes over petty ordeals that often ended in great bloodshed.

Drivel had plans to change all of this.

After becoming Alpha Zenith of the Silver Pack he traveled north to the Chrystalian woodland where he forged an alliance with the Lazuli pack. Or so it had been told.

Several months after the "alliance" was forged, word came from the north that Drivel had not gained their support by peaceful means. Instead he had murdered Centuzeith their Alpha Zenith and established himself as the Zenith over both packs. From there he traveled to the Diahua Floodplain where he murdered their Zenith, and so on until all of the western packs were under his rule. He then Dubbed himself the Alpha Regant of the west and begain to aim his torments towards the nations of other species.

For the first time in the history of Fauhna a great interspecies power began to rise, but not without its own downfalls. Drivel continues to use his forceful means to assimilate those nations which would not willingly join his new dominion. What followed would prove to be one of the worst periods of death and destruction before the War of F2 against the humans of earth.

Celeste growls softly deep in her chest.

Although the wolves of her bloodline lived to kill, those of Assahlian blood were sworn never to kill unrightfully. The league of assassins posed as a powerful weapon for the Lupinean nation, only to be used in times of great need.


The girl looks up at the call of her name to see another child running towards her. It is a boy, he has silver fur like her, but his fur is not nearly as long and luxurious and he has a spiky crop of black hair on his head.

"Esten?" she says as the boy embraces her roughly.

"Celeste! What happened!?" the boy, esten, cries, "I've been looking for you, you and your mother were supposed to be back like forever ago and then I heard the call to arms! When I got here I saw you talking to Halzeith, what's going on?"

"My mom is dead." Celeste says flatly, "She was killed by an Animihlian spy while we were out on our morning walk. We never even made it to the cliff to honor my fathers wish."

"What?" Esten whimpers, "Where is the urn! We will go get it and scatter his ashes on the cliff like he wanted!"

"Esten." Celeste murmurs.

"Come on!" the little wolf boy grabs her hand and starts to drack her back in the direction from which she came, "If we hurry we can get there in time!"

Celeste pulls in the opposite direction, "Esten," she says more forcefully.

"What?" the little boy pouts, releasing her arm.

"The urn got smashed... my mom dropped it when we started running." The little girl begins to sob, "Now my fathers dying wish will never be granted. His ashes will sink into the earth and his spirit will be trapped here forever! He will haunt me in my dreams! He will never forgive me!"

Celeste gasps as Esten wraps his arms around her shoulders. "Celeste, it's not your fault. Your dad will forgive you."

She sniffles, "You really think so?"

Esten nods, "Yeah."


She looks up at the sound of her Alphas voice, flattening her ears to her head, "Yes Halzeith?"

"I want you to get as much rest as you can today girl." He rasps, "Tomorrow you begin your Alpha training."

Celeste nods, puffing up her little chest, "I can assure you sir that I will not disappoint you." She barks.

Halzeith nods, "See to it that you keep to your word. I do hate liars." Then he nods to her and to Esten, before turning and walking back into his den, the wall sealing up behind him.

Celeste relaxes her shoulders, turning back to Esten and smiling. "You know, it really sucks that my mom is gone now too, but now I finally don't have anyone to tell me what to do."

Esten tilts his head, "Wait, what? Weren't you just crying?"

Celeste giggles, "Yes, I had to let myself feel what I was feeling in the moment, but heaven forbid anyone of my bloodline spend more than a few minutes on lamentation. There is work to be done Esten. I am now the Alpha Assimilate of the league of assassins. As the last living member of the Asshalian bloodline it is my duty to ensure the continuation of our work."

"So just like that you're moving on?" the little boy asks, "That seems kind of wrong."

"You wouldn't understand." Celeste replies, "This is what she would want me to do. I know it."

"Well if you say so." The boy mumbles, grinding his foot in the soil.

Above them, the sun has finally broken free of the treetops ascending into the sky amongst a sea of muted pastel colors. Far beyond the horizon a hideous black feathered avian flies over the divide between the woodland and the plains cawing raucously as it changes direction circling down towards the snaking profile of the Northern Voi river.

Once it is close it glides downward, alighting on the smooth, rushing surface of the water with little more than a gentle splash. Standing in the current it begins to preen its inky black feathers, and as it does so, the water downstream becomes mottled with streaks of crimson.

Back in her village celeste growls to herself, repeating the creatures name again, and again, "Nazerahe, Nazerahe, Nazerahe," as though by doing so she will divine the location of her nemesis. "Nazerahe, Nazerahe, Nazerahe," reassuring herself that one day, she would have her revenge...