Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Thirty
He worked so hard for their tribe, and yet no matter how weary he was, he was always ready to spin another tale for his son, to make the shadows play around the fire while the whole tribe looked on.
Being the beta means not only do have to leadership skills you've also got to have the strength to back up your alpha son" shimmer told his son as he messed up his son's head fur with a paw giving him a messy mowhawk making his son grin and giggle, "now back
sleeping dragon
son loosen your hug son allowed worker to breath worker quickly broke the hug and got back to work soon the renovated house was done mom took son from the play room to the room where her son will sleep with her until he's three hundred years old.
Flow and Father
The son was stuck in a full mount and was slowly losing his breath. just as the son was about to suffercate to death, the son's eyes turned bloodshot and the son's face turned pale and gray.
An old story
Tanuki voyant des larmes couler des joues de son maitre, réalise que luc pris son hésitation pour une réponse négative.
Trailblazer Part 7
His father laughs a little "still as dense as ever, it's good to see some things never change." he stops helping his son with his attire "i doubt it will but it all depends on how the cards play out and where the ladies themselves stand.
Greenwood - Leo Investigation FR
Il n'est pas venu au campus depuis plusieurs jours et j'ai trouvé hier soir son appartement ouvert et sans dessus dessous. » je sentais son inquiétude et son désarroi dans sa voix, il était clair que c'était plus qu'un ami.
Quand le danger n\'est pas là où on l\'attend
Kayla lui saute dessus et lui donne un grand coup de griffe pour lui faire lâcher son couteau. son adversaire maintenant désarmé, elle l'agrippe aux bras et plonge ses crocs dans son cou.
A Firefighter to the rescue — 02 — The Aura sight
Asked her son who was now sightly excited. " nothing special. just sit between us on the couch and close your eyes. " said his father and his son quickly followed.
A Firefighter to the rescue — 02 — The Aura sight ( Reforged )
Honon was the name of their son. " what ?" " these are private things, my son !!!" "but mom..." " no !!!" " dad !" " you heard her. " " ooohhhhh.... that's so rude of you. " " you will get use to it ! now. have you finished your meal, my son ?"
[Story - French] Les enfants ne sont pas des jouets - chap 1
Le loup relâcha un peu son étreinte. robin en profita aussitôt et mordit son bras de toutes ses forces. il le relâcha immédiatement en émettant un petit « yelp! ». robin ne demanda pas son reste et couru à travers la foule.
Kalek Kelegar (French version)
On retrouve des bandes similaires sur ses bras, ses jambes et le long de son corps.** **son cou est très développé, plus en proportion qu'un être humain.