sleeping dragon
#1 of sleeping dragon
Dragons who sleep are in human form but they still have there magic so don't be stupid and try and hurt the sleeping dragon as that will get your hands burned.
once every ten century dragons who are young need to sleep to rest there mind so they came up with a way to rest and stay safe from harm by using the technique called sleeping dragon it allows the dragon to become a human long enough to rest there mind but there always keeping an eye on there adopted parents and at the first sign of unusual behavior they activate there baby shield which protect and sends a signal to the momy dragon. Who runs over using magic so humans see a women who is walking to a house locking the door of the house before sending mom's here signal to her baby so he would calm down as she was standing in the doorway when the adopted parents woke up and started to be afraid the dragoness said stop I came for my baby as the parents could see here true form and asked where they had gone wrong in caring for her baby so she said watch and they see themselves talking about the future who would he marry and if he would want to follow there religious way before the vision passed and the dragoness said did that answer your question if not the answer is no he prefers to remain perfect not imperfect that's why I'm taking him with me so saying the dragoness picked up her baby and walked out and disappeared from human view using magic so that no one can hear them walk away to her cave high above the village with a door only a dragon has the strength to move. After they got home the dragoness had to change his diaper then put new diaper on before putting him in the playpen that fills the side of the nursery with changing table with supplies on the opposite wall. It was 5:00pm close to her babies nap time 7:00pm she cleaned him up put him in a diaper and sleep clothes before putting him to bed in his crib or so she thought he cryed the moment she let go of him so she said if you sleep in your crib I'll let you stay next to me in your crib but only if your quiet if you cry then I'll place you back in nursery if its something stupid your crying about you got that little boy. Little boy nods trying to stop crying and wins as his mom helps by saying its okay to cry just don't cry loudly okay boy nods crying softly letting all the stress out and eventually falls asleep in his crib by moms bed while she get a snack for him and her.
eats her snack while the boy is asleep after ten minutes the boy wakes up hungry so his mom feeds him from a bottle of sweet milk. That makes him very sleepy after he drinks it he is burped and put in a crib. While his mom tells him his favorite story that he falls asleep to it. After he is asleep his mom softly walks out closing the door softly walks to her room where the monitor to the baby room is so she can see if he wakes up. Soon after she left he wakes up not seeing mom starts crying but mom had milk in hand as she walked in lifting an eye at his crying but said if you don't stop crying I'll go to my room to get away from you little boy whimpers and gets out of his crib and walks to his mom and holds tight to her as if he was afraid of losing her I'm not going anywhere boy now stop crying and let's get you in a new diaper. Picking him up and putting him on the changing table getting old diaper off cleaning the boy up putting him in new diaper before picking him up and feeding him milk of the highest quality soon after the bottle was empty the boy was burped and cared to the playpen to play until dark after 10:00 pm came it was time for the boy to go to bed in his crib. While his mom stayed up putting defenses in place before going to bed not long after going to sleep a creek of her house door opening awakens her she grabs her son and hides in a well stocked place that humans would be a fool to enter as there was only enough room for the dragons and supplies. Soon the human left saying I was hoping to talk to you mother dragon will you come out mother dragon responds with meet me alone in the kitchen and we will talk but you have to send all other humans away first as you wish mother dragon well get going I'll not be long before our talk is done know go and set up the building well be working in post haste I expect it done by dawn now move it as you wish sergeant everyone but me is busy elsewhere now please come out mother dragon and bring your son with the as I'd like to meet him. On one condition no one but me touches him unless that word is given he stayes with me as no medical or anything is to be done on him at all got that yes I respect your wish and will enforce it with all my might as a human. Mother dragon comes out slowly with her son and the only one there was the sergeant take a seat sergeant well talk as I eat okay said the sergeant I'm here because you grabbed your son from a human dwelling when you know he's safe. As his shield is strong wrong sergeant in human form the shield is weak as your race can only use weak magic my son wanted to stay intact the humans wanted him unintact that scared him so he shielded himself and called me to get him which I did to save him from them your lucky he's still intact or the humans would be dead now. What you would kill humans if they took your son's foreskin yes I would as I dislike sex people and that describes 99% of humans who circumcised babies for the thrilling pleasure they feel in the babies pain. Sergeant said then I'll make sure no one goes near him without you and me present. What did you want to talk about I was wondering if you would live with me in my house that should be done by dawn as it will be full of baby things so you can care for all who live inside right. Why must I move sergeant I was here before your race came across the ocean look if you live with me then I'll make sure that no one comes near your son okay said the mother dragon but you have to pack everything in that house into the new one deal or no deal choose quickly human. All right well get everything you need in your room while you put the rest in your magic pouch your smart for a human but it's not a pouch it's a space enhanced spell that only dragons can do. Oh okay said the sergeant do it and I'll be right back. He left soon after that the mother dragon heard the sergeant say get all items in the house that belong to her son and her and the rest will be brought in when the house is up. After ten minutes the house was up and filled with supplies the mother dragon made an underground place for herself and her son and supplies so they can feel safe in this new home. Soon after that her son wakes up in the crib and gets scared so his shield protected him while calling his mom who was not far away getting supplies from there house mom sended a signal saying I'll be there soon baby boy just moving supplies to our new home. Okay said boy just hurry I'm in need of your presence to calm my fear be there soon son said mom. In a loving voice just for her son and if your wondering you are in the new home already son I'm moving our supplies to the new home. Mom soon arrived and came to her son's side who asked if he could stay near her until the fear goes away sure just walk with me five minutes later all supplies was in new home her son stayed by her side as his fear was still high though it was starting to calm down his mom loved her son and stayed by his side explaining that there living in a house designed for them and male human to live in. The male human walked in and said high little dragon I invited you and your mom to live with me in this house where your mom will care for you until your old enough to live on your own. You will be knocking on deaths door long before that time comes. Let us not prophecy about what is yet to come agreed. Ready to play son nods to shy to speak out loud alright putting him in play room before saying I'll be talking to Sergeant if you need me call my true name. That no mortal may know as name's have power and are not taught lightly only great need would divulge that knowledge to a human. Now walking with sergeant you say this house is safe what's to stop evil humans from trying to hurt my son easy I own your mountain and the land of this house so no one enters this land without a check of id every five feet. The chance of evil humans getting here is only one percent out of a thousand percent. Good let us hope no human messes with my son as they will have burned hands if I'm not there supervising what they do then my son's shield will burn the hand. To keep himself safe okay go and watch over your son so he Hurt's no one dragoness went to her son and stayed by his side the workers where nervous one worker was brave enough to ask if he could hug her son dragoness said since you ask nice so long as you hug gentle my son we'll allow it as long as all weapons are put on table worker put his tool belt on table with all possible weapons then walked to her son and gave him a gentle hug that made her son hug him back but his hug was a little tight so mom said son loosen your hug son allowed worker to breath worker quickly broke the hug and got back to work soon the renovated house was done mom took son from the play room to the room where her son will sleep with her until he's three hundred years old. Which is ten year's of power before her son is old enough to shed his human skin. Ten years go bye in this fashion sergeant is eighty years old so soon sergeant made his will in it he stated that his house and lands stayed private property of dragoness and her son never to see any human medical or otherwise. As it was dead easy to clean male or female dragon. Mom dragon lived in house until sergeant died then mom dragon grabbed the title to the land and left with her son to live in old house in comfort as the people where slow to know that Sergeant died. So mom dragon had everything needed to live on in old house. before word got out that sergeant was dead sergeant's will was read mom dragon was there in her hidden form when the call went forward for her to come out to prove that mom dragon was real mom dragon stepped to the front and whispered in ear the name on contract the human asked why do you hide yourself from humans because some of you still hunt us thinking we can extend your life but we can't no human has survived the spell yet all died half way through the spell that would have extended there life by a century only. The strong will survive the weak die in pain as they where to weak to survive the spell. The person who read the will said where will you live in my house with a door that is easy for me two open but hard for humans to open as it takes ninety humans to open the door of my house. And even then the humans would have to strain there arm's to open the door of my house where is your house where the mountain is where my house is okay so are you going to show me your house as long as it's understood that this house of mine is private property as in illegal to enter the grounds without my permission understood said will reader. Mom showed will reader around mom's house.