Assassin's Creed: High Rise Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Apple "Chris, can you hear me?" "I hear you loud and clear, Rachel," I said as I climbed up one of the towers of New York. I saw an open vent and was trying to reach it. "There are roughly a dozen Templars in the room that vent...


Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 5

#5 of rise of the xenomorphs: the future breed (depraedor= deh-pray-eh-door) (cursor=...exactly the way it sounds) the two walked through the twisted caverns that made up the queen's lair.

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Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 3

#3 of rise of the xenomorphs: the future breed anthony walked through the slimy halls of the hive with a grimace of disgust evident on his face.

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Rise of the Xenomorphs: The Future Breed, Chapter 2

#2 of rise of the xenomorphs: the future breed "hello anthony," she said gently as tony's eyes widened. "it's been a while, hasn't it?" "that can't be! i killed you on lv-31!" anthony shouted.

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Chapter 3: The rise of Exstacy (Part 2)

Chapter 3 The shadow demon they stood on began to disapate into small particals that disappeared in the air. Vixen and Exstacy's feet began to tilt down slowly as the shadow demon disappeared below their feet. They both then droped to the ground...

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Chapter 2: The rise of Exstacy (Part 1)

Chapter 2 Vixen as she shops thinks back to when she met Keka. Keka was no more than a street rag-a-muffin that sat in the alleys, hiding from on coming people and dogs. She was suffering to servive. Not too long after Keka ate some trash out of a...

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #6 - Rise to Power

_Tuesday November 22nd_ HUNTSVILLE (Al): Mayors fans are all abuzz with John Stoat (Stoat, G, HNT) fever as the FBA superstar led the team on a five-game winning streak that rocketed Huntsville to the top of the Eastern Conference after only two weeks...

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Fur Story: Book I: The Rise - The Prologue

The Prologue In this day and age, when humans and furs have lived together for centuries, you would think, with so much in common, that it would be easier for one to get a job. You would think. This is definitely not the case, where furs are usually...

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The light of the dark ch:1 rise of darkness

.** shiny\_umbreon the light of the dark chapter 1: the rise of darkness "what, wait did you say something about arceus?!"

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Rising of a Storm Part 2 (Clean Version)

Enjoy part 2 of "the argonian chronicles: rising of a storm." the argonian chronicles rising of a storm part two dian "quick, into the keep," hodvar said. he pushed open the door and i dove in, skidding on the cobblestone floor.

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The Argonian Chronicles: Rising of a Storm Part 1

The argonian chronicles 1 rising of a storm dian things were never the same after helgen. i had come to skyrim to start a new life, but knew nothing of the war that was tearing the province apart.

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon Chapter 1

Nearly all of malefor's forces had fallen or run away to hide from the new rising cities and homes of the dragons.
