Discovery - Chapter 1, Waddlefish
He'd built a prototype of one, and found it worked exceptionally well. the motor upon the particle was his handy work, and no finer motor would be found in america for at least a decade! the captain was tristen ivars.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 12
An advanced ai that can think on its own has never made it pass the prototype stage. "my name is fury," said the ai, whose body matched its voice by having neither gender.
NanoWrimo: Flexible Survival 5/?
It's a prototype, made by an acquaintance of mine. maybe she'll want to come down here and sell a few." "i noticed," said sunflower, "that you picked it up again. is it still of any use?"
The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job
Or worse, a patented-prototype salad chopper that couldn't be fenced at all except for scrap.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 10: Conspiracy?
"good, because this fine young lady is quite correct," the professor continued as thoughtful worry took over his face, "the emergence of this new weapon at the same time that we developed our prototype is extremely serious.
Bane. Chapter 2 : A stroll through time.
All the other slaves and i are putted in a transparent, breathable liquid-filled tube to produce a successful prototype of super human or so called super soldier." > > "and you become one?" i asked. > > "yeah... while others failed." he winced.
The Truth Behind Zanuka
"alad v's newest prototype is a monstrosity forged from the bodies of our fallen tenno. alad v sees the power of the tenno and thinks he can take it for himself... that power is sacred. this blasphemy must end now.
Chronicles of Elysium City - New Beginings #1: Sweet Child of Mine
The ship was being used as a test-bed of several new systems, including a prototype form of propulsion that would put star fleet on the level with the borg.
The Other Dragon World: Chapter 8
I met him when professor accidentally used his prototype portal to the temple and i ended up there. after helping them, professor agreed to make a permanent portal to dragon realm...but guess what...avalar is pretty near."
Navax of Moonlight
_ _ well, it's overdue by quite a few decades by my guess, but it still should bring some money, we think we found one of those old prototype assistant bots with some useful info inside.
Responsibility to Protect
It wasn't _just_ that she wanted to get a good look at the inside of an advanced prototype. it also wasn't _just_ that she wanted to get a good look at the 'rock' six days from impacting the planet's surface.
The story of Faeone (Thunder Prequel)
The '3000' prototype was her next item of attention.