Daily Bugle
She said, while others around her nodded in and shared words of the same sentiment of positivity.
What Would You Do?
They arrived at the special starting position located in a safe distance from other buildings.
The Academy - The First Day
"front leaning rest is the starting position of a pushup." i immediately dropped to the ground and got into position.
The Tedium of Destruction
She hadn't a clue why he'd put a stop to her fun and he posited that she likely never will.
Splintered Light, Chapter 7.2: It's All In The Cards
The dog nodded, moving to fold the levers back into place and locking them in position.
Beginning of the End - Ch 2
I felt wronged that my position had to be shared with someone else, and kirall had always acted so smug about it.
EyeWatch: Ticker Fronts
Everyone is in position. we start whenever the front moves." and that was the signal doax and lizrow were waiting for.
Karuum nalug took a position that was similar to all of the apes around them, with his arms positioned in front of his body, and his hands both as if they were ready to jab someone with the point of his fingers.
Chapter 2: A Visitor For Christmas Break
As soon as i received a positive reply from her, i messaged heather. she is a mocha-colored bunny. always excited and looking for ways to have fun with her friends. she too replied positively to me. next, i messaged jesica, my beautiful hog friend.
Through Another's Eyes
Gunnars, take positions at the choke points. this will be like killing rats in a maze. like last week, remember? ha!" the men ran off, "vangard! on my right. scout, my left. sniper, climb up into the rafters. they won't know what hit them."
A dictator's scapegoat
General lucius was getting into a helicopter machine gun position.
A dream or two...
His lower torso was draped in a blue silk sheet, the fur along his stomach and chest puffy from his earlier position of lying on his tummy.