Chasing the Sun - Chapter 24: Out the Ashenstones

Besides, since this is still early planning, i expect things to be worked out later." he closed the folder and gave it back to the hyena, disgusted at the plan.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Prologue

How long have you known about my plan?" the commander only let out a great chuckle within his deep chest before he spoke a small smile.

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Out of Place - Chapter 2

It was never part of the plan that he may actually be waiting inside. watching him i start to plan my move. before i have a chance he shouts out "you filthy reptile, show your face!

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Ferret's Five - Forming the Five

Now if you'll just let alkali explain what we're up against and the plan that he has, perhaps that can put a few questions to rest, okay?" the others looked at one another but nodded and let the ferret take the lead once more on the plan.

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Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 8 - Gutted Galleon

He had plans to steer his ship towards crocodile isle, in order to face them on his home turf.

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Pre-Summer Fun - Part 6 [END]

After graduation, brandon and allen surely had more plans for the summer than what they previously had planned.

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S2 Ep10 Trouble is brewing pt2

The opal sisters plan was to help modernize gaia no matter what the cost was even if trampling their brother if necessary.

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The Outlander 1 7

"you better have a good battle plan otherwise most of us probably won't live to think up another one," the otter replied. "don't worry wataru, i already have a plan forming in my mind."

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Rangertale, Ch.5: Uricht, Part II

The group planned where their next destination would be, again taking into consideration that wherever they went tull was likely to follow.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 14 - Like Chuck Norris According to the Internet

While i walked i thought about a plan, how we were going to tackle the issue of the gang war.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

I will devise a plan with my crew for the attack. i want you two to get involved as we discuss how to defeat the beast. it's best that we head to the main battleship so we can talk things out and plan."

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