The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 10
Dragons don't have to eat daily, in fact they can survive for weeks without food, but why torture oneself when a better opportunity presents itself? an opportunity that every hungry carnivore can't allow to slip. " hello? is anybody there?"
Doggy (Vore, Dog/Squirrel, F/m)
Like covering oneself in whipped cream and jumping directly into their mouths; you couldn't make it any easier for them. unfortunately, time telling devices were hard to come by in such prey communities.
Chaos Chapter 4: Lurking
In my order, killing is forbidden unless absolutely necessary, such as in the defense of oneself or another." she looked at luke. "but you _have_seen him, so i am told. is it true that he is a shadow pokemon?" luke lout out a long sigh.
Afterlife - Shame
The action of giving credit, not taking it for the glory of oneself. it resembles courage. refraining from despair and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, intimidation. this amulet.