10 - Reflection
The dodge junction pony express was just as dry as the rest of the town but it was a little less dusty than the other buildings.
08 - Mask of Courage
A glance around showed him that he was in an orange and yellow lake and he put a little more power into his skin-tight shield. another flare of unicorn energy pushed against his little island and produced the momentum he needed.
Rainbow Blitz and the Changelings -Prologue
The ponies had to admit that this plan had been thought through for the most part, even if it was a little nuts. the ponies looked at each other and then finally looked back at luna and decided to get to work.
MLP:FiM: Chapture 5: A New Day With Nothing New
It was 9 in the morning and Applejack was pounding at Washington's door, shouting " Wake. Up. Now. Wash!.". Washington gowned. He rolled over and shouted back in a almost comprehensible language "Come on! I didn't sleep well last night. Leave me...
A Ponyville wedding
After many hours of labour, just as the sun began to rise, the sound of crying filled the little room and the doctor announced 'congratulations! a healthy little pegasus filly!'
Raindrop could hear the blades of grass under her hooves snapping and bending under her weight, and she unconsciously lightened her steps, to make as little noise as possible.
Lessons In Happiness - Part Three
Rainbow dash snickered a little bit, pointing towards me. "why don't you just ask him yourself pinkie?" she looked at me and i met her gaze, blinked, and then suddenly was nose to nose with her. "ahh!"
Lessons In Happiness - Chapter One
Next part of this; I won't really be having organized parts, they'll just start and stop when I feel that it helps the overall flow of the story. I hope you enjoy it and that I didn't get the characters personalities too wrong. Lessons...
Changeling Heart: Wounded Left
"none of that now," my eyes slowly traced around my surroundings, i could see them, her little changelings.
Changleing Heart: Realization
As in student to princess celestia, wielder of the element of magic; and shining armor's little sister? "and you two are...?"
Changeling Heart: Lighting's Orgin
We followed the changeling queen through a few tunnels, before coming to a large chamber area, no doubt her own little home to sleep or do whatever.
Changeling Heart: Day Three
I asked shaking my head as i tried to sit up, i was still sore, but at least i could move a little until i would have to take a small break.