A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 34 (The Land of Waves)

Karabe and kisuke landed in front of the group and watched naruto warily, the black blade of his sword cloaked in orange chakra.

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Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Prologue & Chapter 1

Prologue: Lone Wolf "Well?" "There's no sign of him." "The tracker?" "Here. The bastard managed to get his collar off." "Damn. The...

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 2~The Land of Broken Dreams

#2 of tower of ancients chapter 2: the land of broken dreams there in the fields of nothingness, endless darkness spread throughout the lands. life withered, waters dried up happiness nowhere to be found.

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where i came from chapter 1 (beach landing)

After breaking the surface of the water and getting some air into his lungs he looked around for the landing craft. he spotted it and most of his squad clinging to the side of it.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 5 - The Northern Lands

Some say they're inhabited by the former people of this land, turned into blocks by ancient wars and demon kings with only their possessions left for others to take.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 36 (The Land of Waves - Part 4)

The boy who had inspired the land of waves to fight for their freedom was back, even the fisherman who had helped carry sasuke here had expressions of hope once they saw him.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 35 (The Land of Waves - Part 3)

Karabe gracefully landed a good distance away from them and retracted the wired blade all the way, so it was once again hidden under the long sleeve of his trench coat. "not bad kid, not bad." karabe praised. "but now i get serious!"

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 33 (The Land of Waves - Part 1)

They arrive in the land of waves and encounter a welcoming party.disclaimer: i do not own naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 21: The Land Beyond The Sea (END)

"So, uh, what do we have here?" said Seraphor when he looked at an unfamiliar bronze statue of a wolf-man. "Let me read the fine print. 'This statue commemorates the arrival of the Ice-Breaker and her crew, a crew of Lycans and dragon rider, on...

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Episode 9B: Games

As terri and land walked towards the exit, kai remmick whistled and motioned for land to come over to him. terri and land walked over to him. "yeah, what's up?" land asked. "are you going to be on tonight?" he asked. "what? the game?"

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