Red's Adventure (8) - Bugs

He shot a few more flames in a random direction that caught a few bug pokémon in his path. "there are a lot of pokemon here, but none of them are very strong. watch this."

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Red's Adventure (5) - Charmander's Escort

Red was constantly getting bitten by bug pokemon, and on more than one occasion, charmander had to use his flames to save them both from small smarms or whipping branches.

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Age of Endeavors Part 2

Slowly he approached the bug, who looked over at him amongst the opening in its kaffiyeh. the bug reached for its side, miraj stopping short thinking it to be going for its weapon. "assalamu alaikum, please hold your weapon."

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We won!? We won?! (PMD:WNA 5)

I traced them down to the bug type. ada was in the sakura tree, using its branches to conceal and protect her. she shot a second string shot.

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What's the Matter with Oswald?

You are every dead asshole in all three of my bug zappers combined.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Epilogue

They won't exactly say what it is, but they're mighty anxious to have the thing back--apparently it disappeared under unusual circumstances, and somebody put the bug in their ear that the crew of_nightwing _can find it.

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Our Life - Chaper 1

I was wondering why i was sick and he said that it could have been a stomach bug. or because we had been trying for a baby i might have been pregnant. i got all excited. we went to a doctor to see if i was pregnat.

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Tale of Tails Prologue

If anyone enjoys it and wants to read more then bug me about it and i might finally get back to work on it haha prologue~ dark clouds filled the sky, pouring down bone-chilling rain into the trees below.

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Ace's biography

- immune to fairy type, resistant bug and ground types but vulnerable to fighting-type. - has the illusion's ability, inherited from his father. - his electric attacks are effective to ground types.

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exadmini part 1

Reply 19:20 today- (admin) chad the exadmini is a bug mob currently being fixed. it is suppose to be a super rare mob that is suppose to flee upon encountering and the drops are if you manage to defeat it.


Chapter 1 - The World's New Hope.

~ i tried to help the bumbling bug. ~yes! yes, energy goes to tip of blade and slash! attack happen.~ the bug continued excitedly. ~where does the energy come from?~ i asked to try and get more detail for the still confused riolu.

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The Coffin: Part 8

Why not follow the magic eating bug?" marcus sniffed the air for the oppressive stink of the bug. he could just barely detect the dank stench of his quarry through the stale air, and marcus pursued the tebaya deeper into the forest of stalactites.

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