MLP-Sanrose- A new world.
Twilight shouted as spike grabbed a hoove in his claw and tugged her outside.
[p] How Maylene and Candice Saved Christmas
The ice leader's legs were narrowing into small, slim things ending with hooves, cloaked in russet and frost-covered fur; she fell over on all fours with a yelp, catching herself on hands that were quickly morphing into more hooves.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 4
When the hand off or hoof off in this case happened dash noticed something else. instead of a baton they past off a horseshoe shape item. that made sense too considering hooves were different than hands.
Death To Nightmare Chapter 4
She got to her hooves and with a determined look she took to the air again. and crashed again when she tried to move forward. she got to her hooves yet again and took to the air yet again. a few hours later selene and rainbow dash head for lunch.
Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark
Raise your hoof if you have a parent that works in that factory." dizzy put her hoof in the air, as did grape and most of her other classmates.
A Silly, Merrie, Looney Story (Commission for DragonfireNY)
The horse scrambled to his hooves, and began to run again. "hey! get back here!" df shouted, bumping into another display cabinet.
Clown Mare 10-2
#39 of clown mare # [chapter 10.2]( prince blue dream took her right hoof with his opened mouth with his teeth together.
Maxwell's Run
His mount was unusual and fleet of hoof but under the pounding thunder of warhorses on the trail, maxell optimized his time.
Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 1 - Sunny
Hitch sighed, rubbing a hoof to his head. somehow he knew where this was going. "i'm sorry sunny, but i can't let you take the key." "okay," sunny answered, straight-faced. and then she brought her hoof down on the glass case as hard as she could.
Dizzy Twister 1: The Alicorn
He held out his hoof, which before he had on the counter just like dizzy. dizzy took his hoof and shook it. "i'm dizzy twister. dizzy works fine." she held his hoof for a second until a bartender appeared.
The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun
Unsteadily she gripped the book with her ragged hooves, not trusting her magic with the accursed tome.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:35
Dawn protested, the ewe frowning as she twisted a hoof in the dirt. "what can i do to prove to you that i really mean what i say?" dawn asked, holding her hooves out. "there has to be something!"