This is the Part...With a City Underwater
I said i don't care if i had to fight off a hundred ex-boyfriends. as long as i get to spend more time with you.
A Soulful Bound
I treat the case as if a chess match, the local police force are the pieces, i may have 1-2, if not 4 pawns; usually ex- fbi. i lead them, they are my eyes and my shield. i solve the case and exlude myself from any harm.
Life Saver
"shush little canine," mewed the female softly, making the ex-corpse fall silent. "i am mistress," she told them calmly, "i saved you from death." "how? they- they were here! they killed me! beat me raw!"
The Lost October (Novemberween)
Journal entry 11/7/2022 **parishioners** **dr.portal 455** **\_yfc\_** **fluffywolf117** **sypher597** **unformed** **ex capricorn** **justcallmefaux** **batduskylycanroc3blr** **o.c.r.** **luposong** **bovinemage** **warwolf416** **amancalleddominik
Alphys Höek CHAPTER 6
Alphys sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed that she shared with mettaton (who was currently in his ex form), contemplating the meaning of her existence. "my hands...dirty!"
My Fursona
Habits: watches sunrise every morning hobbies: sparing professional history: ex-knights creation officer educational history: complete military training social class: peasant prejudices: religious officials, kc troops faults: berserker attributes
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #15- Mayor May Knots
The feline did send his condolences to the avian's husband joey cox (roadrunner, g, bal), as well as call both his first ex-boyfriend and his most recent ex-girlfriend just to ensure that they were both doing okay and that he did sincerely miss them.
Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.
"as an ex-captain of the star fox team, you have my word." fox replied with his hand over his chest, to salute the young raccoon. " then."
life with a dragon chapter four
ex millitary?" the man asks. "not ex, inactive duty" i reply. "we both are" i say as i hand the gun over to berrwain, who immediately begins attaching the scope to the rifle.
Anatomical Anachronisms: Chapter 5: Severed Resonance
But others, like the duchess and her ex-husband, took it as an indicator optimism of the ability of monsters to thrive down here, and the 'peace' that enabled experimentation.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 96 - For better or worse...
_"nikki is my ex..."_it's the only thought that went through my mind... _"__staying friends with your ex is like when your beloved goldfish is dead... you don't want to flush it down the toilette but don't plan on keeping it either...
The Newlyweds Next-Door - Book 01 - Chapter 03
_in case you need a reminder, nancy is the name of david's very insane ex-wife, my arch nemesis._ _ _ _why do i say arch nemesis?