The Newlyweds Next-Door - Book 01 - Chapter 03
#3 of The Newlyweds Next-Door
The the most difficult and challenging setting in a videogame is usually know as 'Very Difficult' 'Extreme' or 'Hardcore' outside of the gaming world we choose to call this setting 'Marriage'
Noah, a videogame hobbyist and aspiring musician meets David, the perfect, handsome and hardworking editor. The relationship takes off like a mmo character with max agi and level 10 haste cast on them, and the two find themselves married and moving in together.
Unfortunately Noah's perfect husband does not come to him easily, our hero having to battle the evils of the ex-wife and David's sexy childhood best friend, and if that wasn't enough, there was perhaps an error in communication about the fact that David has kids...
The Newlyweds Next-door
Chapter 03
The sliding door to the back of Martin's van opens and Noah hops inside, seating himself between the other members of his church's youth group that have already been picked up by Martin.
Martin looks back to him before starting the car up once more, fixing his glasses as he questions Noah in a friendly manner. "So Noah, how was your first weeks of marriage? We missed you at church last weekend, but you were on your honeymoon so I guess it couldn't be helped."
Noah leans forward towards the driver's seat as he begins speaking to Martin in an annoyed tone of voice. "Why would you hook me up with an Atheist!?!?!"
Martin sighs as he shakes his head turning away from Noah. "Oh boy, I can already tell that this is going to be a fun car ride." He waves his hand at Noah motioning for him to sit down as he prepares to leave. "Buckle up everyone we're ready to go!"
Noah doesn't do as he is asked, he still needs to rant with Martin. "I'm serious!! What the hel-... heck were you thinking!?"
Martin takes a moment to glance back at Noah. "I was thinking that he was a good guy and that the two of you would hit it off."
Noah frowns. "You didn't think that something like that would be important!?"
Martin shakes his head no. "No, and really it shouldn't be. Now sit down and put your seat belt on."
Noah frowns as he thinks over what Martin has said, he indeed is right about that, people are different that's all there is too it, being different shouldn't be a deal breaker. Noah finally falls back, sitting down in his seat, now beginning to buckle himself in.
Martin chuckles to himself as he begins to assess Noah's situation. "I know what's happening here. Marriage is a scary thing, you're so worried that it's going to be a horror story that you're actively looking for things to actually turn it into one."
Noah looks back to Martin his voice half panicked, it's going to turn into just that. "David has kids!!"
Martin shrugs his shoulders, again he didn't see the issue here. "Well, that's a part of marriage too isn't it?"
"Not when only a little more than a week in!!"
Martin stops at a red light quickly looking back to Noah when he realizes something. "How could you not know that David has kids? Honestly David talks about them all the time."
Noah growls in annoyance, well aware of that, he was just unaware that the 'Tim' and 'Alex' David was always talking about were actually his children. "He should have shown me pictures! Every parent shows off pictures of their kids to everyone! Then I wouldn't have gotten confused!!"
Martin laughs as he turns his eyes back to the road ahead of him. "Everything's going to be fine Noah. You can't let every new thing being introduced to you freak you out the way it's doing. You're just going to end up making yourself a mess." Noah grumbles to himself while Martin continues with the conversation. "So, how was the move into the new house?"
Noah crosses his arms, not coming all that far along concerning that. "Well, we haven't really gotten at it yet, we pretty much have everything of David's sitting in a truck in front of the house... except the ugly furniture he used to have... I made sure that was dealt with before the truck arrived at our new house."
Martin seems amazed by this information. "You actually convinced David to get rid of his old beat up furniture. I've been trying to get him to do it for ages but he'll never listen to me,"
Noah shakes his head, actually having to go through many very 'top secret behind David's back' measures to be rid of David's old garbage furniture. "No I didn't actually convince him, but if he mentions anything tell him that it must have been lost in the move."
The other youths in the car snicker at the comment, Martin just lets out another sigh. "Ok then... what about your things? How are you with moving your stuff in?"
Noah smiles all of that completely under control. "No worries about me, my things are on the way, moving is a pretty big thing so one thing at a time right?"
When I told pastor Martin one thing at a time, I meant it almost literally. You see I didn't have a car, so that meant that I would be taking the bus, and the amount of things that I could fit on the bus are pretty much limited to a box big enough to fit in my lap. So that meant I would be taking a lot of back and forth trips from my old house to my new house, and come Monday, that's exactly what I did.
Noah is sitting on a bus typing messages on his phone, his phone makes a beep when he receives a message back.
-You know I don't think this bus thing is going to work very well, you're going to end up making over a hundred trips do you know that =O?-
Noah frowns, beginning to text back to her. -I'm doing what I can alright ><-
The girl I'm texting is Sally, her, her older brother Lenny, and me have been friends since I can remember. We're so close that we often joke that we're related, and because we're the same nationality a lot of people automatically assume that we are anyway, so I call her my big sister, and she calls me her little brother... even though I'm older then her by half a year...
Noah's phone again beeps with one of Sally's texts. - How do you expect to take your furniture over ?_? You can't take that on the bus. =P-
Noah-Haven't decided a plan for the furniture yet... but I'm working on it! Trust me it's one of the things constantly on my mind. :x-
Sally -Do you know how much $$$ you'll be handing over to those bus drivers? You're new house isn't exactly on a direct route to your old one. >.>-
Sally -It would be cheaper to rent a moving truck. <.<-
Noah -Bus pass big-sis, I have one every month this one is no exception. >=/-
Sally -I don't understand why you don't ask your brand new hubby to help you <3-
Noah: -I didn't want to bug him with it >< it was already enough work for him to move his own stuff, besides he starts work again today.-
Me and David were planning to spend the long weekend moving everything into our new house, but the plane was double booked. So we and about forty-six other people didn't get back into the city until late Saturday afternoon, so our unpacking is a little bit behind schedule, and David, being the 'everything must fall into order and if it doesn't it's the end of the world' type of person, already has enough on his plate stressing out about that, so I really didn't want to bother him with my stuff and increase his stress.
He sighs looking out the window, suddenly letting out a loud yell as he quickly gets up pushing the button to stop the bus. "Wait, wait!! That was my stop!!"
The bus's brakes let out their hiss as the driver stops the bus and opens the door for Noah, grumbling to himself as he watches him race out. "Damn kids and their phones."
Noah runs off the bus quickly running up to another that is also about to leave and bangs on its door to get the driver's attention. "Wait! Wait!! I need to get on!!"
The door to the bus opens and Noah manages to get on the bus, showing the bus driver his bus pass before sitting down with a relived sigh, that having been a close one.
He reaches into his pocket for his phone to get back to texting his friend but finds it's gone, Noah quickly jumping onto the seat he has been sitting on and looks out the window towards the ground where he has gotten off his last bus to see his phone lying on the road and then promptly gets crushed by the tires of another bus coming in.
Noah stares with his jaw dropped in horror. "You have got to be kidding me..." He lets out a groan as he falls back into his seat holding his hands over his head. "Oh this is not good..."
Noah forces a smile as he tries not to let this get to him. "Calm down Noah, all you have to do is find the positive in this negative..." Noah lets out a very forced laugh, the other occupants of the bus turning toward him, sounding a little bit insane right now. "Noah wanted to be independent and responsible. Not having a phone just makes you more independent." He lets out another fake laugh, this one weaker than the first. "And it was an old phone... now you have an excuse to get a new one, that stupid thing didn't even have blue-tooth..."
His laughing soon turns into a stressed whine, there's no fooling himself.
As soon as I got home I started packing things as quickly as I could into a backpack, a bag and a box. I was still aiming to get this finished in as little trips as possible or else I would never be about to move all of my stuff in.
_ _
And that's how my day went, I would go to my parents house and grab as much stuff as fast as I could before the bus going home came, take the bus back home... or well the general vicinity of home, then run home, dump everything off as quickly as possible and run back to the bus stop to catch the next bus.
_ _
Things were flying by perfectly, I managed to not miss a single bus... until somewhere around the fourth or fifth trip, right when I was in the middle of transferring from one bus to another it happened.
The next bus Noah is meant to catch stops for him, Noah reaches into his back pocket only to find it's empty. "Where's my bus pass?" He begins searching through all of his pockets, coming up empty with all of them, he gives the bus driver a sheepish grin as he takes several steps back from the bus, the doors close as it continues on its way, Noah silently watches it leave.
It was a long walk home... me carrying a backpack, bag and box packed with as much of my things as possible didn't help matters, nor did the fact that I had been so concentrated on getting my things over I have never once stopped long enough to get something to eat, but I couldn't stay at the bus station, I didn't have a phone to tell anyone where I was.
David has just gotten home from work, the door to his car opens as he gets out of it, his phone to his ear as he argues with the person on the line, once again in a conversation with his ex-wife. "For the last time I'm not bribing him!"
The perturbed voice on the other end continues throwing accusations as him, David frowns as he shuts the car door behind him and locks it. "Maybe the reason he wants to move in with me so badly is because he likes his Father, did you ever think that might be a possibility?"
He sighs as he begins making his way to his house, the voice on the line once again goes off, David interrupting her before she could keep going on. "Now will you give the phone back to Tim, it's very rude to take the phone from him when he's in the middle of a conversation with someone."
He stops on the front porch, an annoyed look on his face when he hears her response, he argues back with her. "I am telling you what to do right now because if I don't you'll never give the damn phone back to him! This has happened before remember!"
After a very angered reaction there is a pause, the phone finally being handed back to the person that had called David in the first place, David smiles when he finally hears his voice again. "Hi Timothy... don't tell her I said this but your mother is somewhat of a pain."
David unlocks the door to his house, opening the door and walking inside as he listens to Timothy talk, David calls out to the house unsure if Noah is there or not. "Noah you home?"
He walks forward tripping over a huge pile of Noah's things that have been dumped off in the front entrance and crashing onto the ground, the phone that he had been talking on flies through the air and bounces across the ground, the voice of the small boy on the other end worried. "Daddy... daddy what was that loud cracking noise? Daddy are you okay!?"
By the time Noah finally gets back home it's already dark out, Noah comes to a stop on the front walk when he notices that there is a pink BMW car parked in the driveway behind David's vehicle, Noah groans at the sight of it. "Great... Nancy is here..."
In case you need a reminder, Nancy is the name of David's very insane ex-wife, my arch nemesis.
_ _
Why do I say arch nemesis? Because she's still crazy about David and is always trying to get him back... even though whenever she's on the phone with him she's always arguing at him. To make matters worse she is quite possibly one of the most gorgeous woman alive, which makes me feel... well below average looking. Honestly even I have to admit it, the two of them were an absolutely beautiful couple when David was married to her, as opposed to me... who is pretty much a copy and paste Asian.
Noah unlocks the front door to his house and goes inside, dropping everything he has been carrying home with him onto the rest of his pile of stuff. "David today has been one of the worst days of my life."
David's voice responds to him from the living room. "Where have you been? I've been trying to phone you for hours but the calls won't go through."
Noah looks to the side, the reason for that rather apparent. "Yeah... my phone kinda... broke... to say the least, I'll tell you all about it in a minute." He takes his shoes off throwing them into to front closet. "I saw Nancy's car in the driveway, is she in the living room with you or is she hiding in the shadows somewhere waiting to pounce and drink my blood?"
He turns around to find Nancy standing right behind him, Noah screams in surprise, jumping in his shock and instinctively running away from her, running straight into the front closet and coming to a stop when he hits the back wall of it.
Nancy looks down at Noah with her arms crossed and an annoyed glare on her face. "I've been waiting for you to get home Doug."
David calls out to Nancy from the living room. "His name's Noah."
Nancy's expression remains unchanged. "Close enough!"
Noah pushes himself back to his feet, turning back to her and looking up at her as he speaks to her in a bitter tone. "You know I don't like it when come over uninvited! I need time to get my rosary and holy water ready!"
Nancy frowns at the comment. "You're Christian not Catholic, don't think I don't know the difference."
David's confused voice questions this. "Wait... what? How did you know he was Christian? I didn't know."
Nancy lets out a groan as she turns back towards the living room calling out to him. "It's pretty obvious isn't it? God men are so stupid."
Noah walks past Nancy and enters the living room where David is, Noah lets out a gasp of shock when he sees David. "David! What happened to you!!"
David is lying on the sofa with an ice pack on his head and his leg propped up on the coffee table in a cast, he looks back to Noah as he begins trying to reassure him. "It's nothing to worry about, I just wasn't watching where I was walking that's all."
Noah looks the broken leg over. "Did you get hit by a car?"
Nancy walks up behind Noah smacking him on the back of the head like it might knock some sense into him. "He tripped over a bunch of crap that some genius decided to drop off in the front entrance."
Noah is horrified to hear this information. "What!? I did this to him!?" He immediately begins to try and apologize to David. "David I'm so sorry! I didn't have time to really put it anywhere, if I wanted to catch the next bus I had to be in and out of here as quickly as possible!"
Nancy sighs as she watches Noah babble, she holds her hand out to him as she begins explaining to David. "See this is what I was explaining before David, you can't have two men married and living together, it's too much idiot in one place, you are going to end up dying in the most stupid and preventable manner possible I swear to god David."
Noah snaps back at Nancy with a growl. "Lay off banshee!"
David looks over to Noah, now isn't the time from him to start fighting with her, after all Noah really wouldn't be able to defend himself right no seeing as the mess is his fault. "Noah don't get her started, I'm begging you."
Nancy turns to Noah, her hands on her hips as she speaks to him in a very stern tone of voice. "I suggest you have it cleaned up before you break someone else's leg."
She leaves the room in a huff, Noah cringes a little at the comment, reminding him that he is completely responsible for this whole mess.
David notices the mood Noah has fallen into, trying to cheer him up some. "Don't let her get to you Noah, my things are all over the place too. We're in the middle of unpacking remember?"
Noah turns back to David pretty upset about this. "I can't believe that you're not yelling at me for this, my mess broke your leg! David I'm so sorry, I'll do anything to make up for it I promise."
David smiles back at him. "I'm not yelling because I think you'll already be facing enough punishment, there's no way that I'm going to be able to unpack anything like this... so the rest of the unpacking and rearranging is going to have to be done by you."
Noah quickly snaps back. "What!? I can't... or..." He frowns when he both realizes that fighting the work wouldn't work because there isn't much David could do with a broken leg anyway, and that this is all his fault. "Yeah, yeah I can do that, no problem honey."
Nancy walks back into the living room after having just finished a look over of the entire house again. "You know David, I've been thinking this over since coming here, but I think I'm going to have to keep the kids this weekend, there's no way that you're going to be able to take care of them when you're in this sorry state."
David's mood quickly changes, that not something he wants to hear at all. "Come on Nancy, Noah is still able to do things just fine, he'll have no problem helping me out with the kids."
Nancy lets out a gasp of disbelief as she holds her hand out to Noah. "David! He just broke your leg! Do you think I'm going to leave my children with him?? No!"
She again leaves, this time heading towards the kitchen, ending the topic with that, there's no reason for the two of them to fight over it when it is so obvious that David couldn't argue back.
David watches her leave in disbelief while Noah quickly follows after her, though David may not be in the position to follow after her and continue the conversation he still could. "Woah... ok, wait a moment Nancy." He follows her into the kitchen where she begins finishing up her work on a meal she has started earlier. "You can't do this to him! He's really been looking forward to having his kids come home."
Nancy immediately stops her work, slamming her hands against the counter before turning back to Noah, her arms cross as she leans back on the kitchen counter while talking to him. "Ok first off, this isn't their home, they live with me. Second, I'll tell you the same thing I tell David every time he brings it up. The only way he'll ever get those kids back is if he gets his sorry mess of a life sorted out, and comes back to home to me and the boys where he belongs."
Noah frowns as he points to his face with his thumb. "He's married to me! He's not going back!"
Nancy smirks at the comment. "You're temporary. You were since day one and you still are now." Noah frowns at the comment while Nancy continues. "You are just a random fling that will eventually pass by, a desperate attempt to handle stress in the life that isn't exactly going the way that David has planned."
She turns away from Noah, taking the two plates of food that she has been preparing and walking back to the living room. "And before you ask, no, I didn't cook enough for you."
Noah snaps back at her, he's never going to eat anything from her anyway, she's no doubt the type to poison or hot sauce his food if she did. "Yeah well I can cook my own food!"
Nancy calls back out to him, that's going to be a problem. "Well there's no cheese left, so you're going to have to make something other than grilled cheese sandwiches."
Noah watches her leave in silence with a frown on his face, he curses to himself as he talks between clenched teeth. "Damn it... she figured out that I can't make anything else! When did knowledge become public!?" He picks up a phone and starts dialling out.
As I sat there eating my pizza, Nancy and David already finished their meals. With Nancy finally getting ready to leave, I started to think over what Nancy had told me. That I was just 'a random fling that would eventually pass by, a desperate attempt to handle stress in the life that isn't exactly going the way that David has planned.'
What Nancy had said had bothered me... I am well aware that David is a meticulous planner, he was always thinking ahead, was always well prepared before something was to happen. And yeah, when things didn't go his way, or how he had expected them to, or if there was a problem that was out of his hands he would get stressed and would sometimes do the most random things in an attempt to counter that stress.
With that on my mind I couldn't help but think that what Nancy was saying is the truth.
Nancy gathers her things getting ready to leave, having done all that she could at this point to make sure that David is taken care of. "Well David I'm headed home now, the babysitter shouldn't work this late on weekdays, so as much as I would love to stick around and make sure Lance doesn't kill you I really can't."
David and Noah both turn toward her, correcting her at the same time. "It's Noah."
Nancy rolls her eyes. "Close enough."
The front door closes behind her as she finally leaves, Noah looks back towards David with a very guilty look on his face. "David...?"
David just sits on the sofa silently, not looking to really be in the mood to talk.
See... this is the stress that I was so concerned about. I had unexpectedly broken his leg with my mess, and Nancy had taken the opportunity to become personally involved in his life again, and the biggest thing was that Nancy wasn't going to let his kids come over on the weekend like they were first going to, not to mention David was probably going to have to take time off of work after finally getting back to it. Things were definitely out of his control and not going as planned.
And all of this was my fault...
Noah frowns, though David has seemed ok before as soon as Nancy had made that announcement about the kids his mood had completely turned around. "I'm really sorry Dave... about Nancy and the kids... I was planning to get home earlier and have my stuff moved out of the way... but things didn't really go as planned for me today..." He pauses for a moment, though he knows this is probably one of the worst times to bring this up but it still kind of needs to be mentioned. "... and I feel bad asking you this right now... but I need money for a new phone... and a bus pass... if that's ok with you..."
David lets out a tired sigh, not in the mood to deal with this right now. "Just... go to bed Noah, it's late alright. We'll talk about this tomorrow, I'm just really not in the mood for all of this right now."
Noah looks towards the cast on David's leg. "Ok... did you need me to help you get to bed?"
David shakes his head no. "No. I'll sleep here tonight."
Noah sighs to himself, he should have seen that one coming. "Right..." He gets to his feet leaving to go to bed. "I'll talk to you about everything tomorrow then."
I could take the hint, he was mad at me... really mad... and I couldn't blame him.
We both had things not go our way today, I don't know why I'm not as effected as he is when bad things happen, or if things don't go as planned. I mean I still freak out I guess, but in general I have to say I don't take things as hard as Dave does. Maybe it's because I'm bad at planning or thinking ahead anyway, while David is pretty much the exact opposite, he's just that kind of person I guess...