Sudden Dunce....

A poem for when i ran into someone i hadn't seen in quite a while her eyes were still as beautiful, a deep emerald green matching an angels smile sudden dunce....

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dead fur character description 2 - kale

(which is probably why so many people love him and want him to there selves) anyways .. kale is 17 years old and is a bisexual fox , he stands at about 5 ft 10 , he has golden orange fur that glissens in the sunlight , has luscious emerald eyes

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Haunted Ballade

Where is the home that once i knew, that stood deep in the meadow drifts, encircled nigh with tender orchard groves, then emerald woods that slumbered as the summer clouds slipped by? beneath the twisted briars those meadows lie.


Battle Oath: For The King

But when you stand at our front, the water is silver, the grass is emerald, the sunshine is gold, the sky is saphire and the stars are diamonds.

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My Fox

The fox tail waves in pleasure when i return, when emeralds glow from un-foxlike eyes. though his heart glows with the soul of a fox, he is a fox with a human's guise. the being inside strives to be free.

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Upon your ears and necks, and other body parts unmentioned, the seeds of many great new paths-- to dig them up is to besmirch the branching ways and tendril'd roads that each universe can soon unveil if we would only look inside a ruby or an emerald

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Ragnarok - XIX

And there a wandering insomniac crossing the street against the traffic light that shouted orders to an empty world and flashed ruby and emerald down upon the silent crossroads.

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Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 4

_is that emerald lady?_ she twitched her tail, cutting some of the grass around her as she did so. she found her breaths involuntarily growing short.

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A Perfect Winter Holiday

His eyes, nearly as bright of an emerald green as her own, met with hers as she relaxed against him, more than content to spend the entire holiday with him in the warm, cozy clutches of his hind legs. "we've had much worse than this before."

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 11 -- Eternity Begins Today

Spyro jumped up onto the bed beside cynder and she turned to him, more tears of joy coming from her emerald eyes. " all seems like a dream..." she said, and he hugged her close. she lay there in his embrace.

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Turning his emerald green eyes onto the fox behind him, his tail practically wagging expectantly behind him. looking into the eyes of the fox in front of him you could visibly see tyrse's expression soften.


Puzzle Piece

His expression then faltered as his emerald eyes looked away from the canine. "don't...don't let this be just tonight...please?"

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