Heroes of Alteria Chapter 3: Kiren Escape

Jeeve looked back and noticed the guard's convoy getting closer and closer. jeeve shakily stood up and readied himself for the next volley. shirlene made a hard swerve right and cursed as she tried controlling the vehicle.

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As she got up the day after to cut more wood for more shelter she came out to a military convoy. she became hopeful that they were there to help but instead found they took whatever was left of the crops. what little left of anything else for the taxes.

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That's What He Saiyad

"i could ride blindfolded and make it fine as long as she was in sight of the huge butt at the front of our convoy... at least his horse anyway." he acted somewhat innocently when bladeleomon turned to face him, both trey and matt snorted in laughter.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 10 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The knights of the sky

It was his first real battle, after all... and the awacs, codename magic, was still instructing them, advising that they had to go across the fighter cover of the enemy and reach a wing of bombers, possibly destroying them before attack an huge convoy of big

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The Winds of Altaura (Chapter One)

We had three convoys of supplies that had to be delayed for refueling after they got caught waiting for too long in orbit!" despite his headset's manipulation of his brain's emotional chemistry, se'vaal became indignant. "sir!"

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Episode 3C: Kill the Moon

We are preparing to get underway, with the convoy came supplies for repairs. we can at least obtain warp six again, making the return trip home only a matter of days.

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Kage's Camping Trip

After about twenty minutes of talking, tanker went to the main gate to guide the convoy of cars bringing the students to the campsites they would be using while kage got a tarp out to put all the kids gear on while they set up camp.

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ANLNB ...Where Are We?

Continuing to accelerate she didn't even slow when we pulled out of the forest right before a town and came upon a convoy of tanks headed towards us.

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Jackob's Life Chapter 2: School Day

The peace was only disturbed by a small convoy of three police cars, which passed jackob with blarring sirens." hmmm, seems like something bigger has happened.", he said to himself while looking after the cars as they made their way to the downtown area.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 21

They were racing right towards the junta position, their intent to disrupt the convoy obvious. the three caught-out members of his squad lay prone, slowly belly-crawling across the no-man's land between the two rapidly engaging forces.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 20

He frowned, tall pointed coyote ears swiveling forward in the hopes of catching any sign of the enemy, as his platoon continued maintaining their alert, guarding the convoy route as critical supplies and reinforcements moved from one of their supply

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If It Bleeds It Leads

Like soldiers preparing for a convoy. what i saw when i was imagining all of this was ankles and tails. the floor board smelled of stale dirt, beer, nachos and faintly of glendin who had used the same spot to hide on the way in.

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