The Island Guardian 4 - Hunting the Hunters
_"Come on!"_ _"I'm going fast as I can!"_ _"It's not fast enough Leaf it might be right behind us!"_ _"No it's not-"_ _"WHA-AAAAGH!"_ The two sisters stumbled and fell rolling into a ditch, groaning with their shining emeralds pressed tightly...
The Island Guardian 3 - Separated
_"Is daddy still sleepin'?"_ asked the hatchling. _"Yes."_ Shadetooth rolled her blue eyes above the five infants crowding in front of her. _"You asked me already."_ _"B-b-but, we got sumthin' to show daddy!"_ _"We found a thingy mommy,"_...
The Island Guardian 2 - A Family Adventure
The moment the raptors hit the sands of the new beach, they felt rejuvenated. The white-golden shoreline crunched like fine grains beneath their feet, the smell of bursting blossoms and tropical fruits filtered through their nostrils with fresh scents...
I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day
_" morning. No morning left for us."_ _"Gerald. Don't. Ah need you to be strong okay? Just...just stop thinkin' aboot the fire, that wuz JUST a dream, th-that means nuthin'!"_ _"No. N-no it wasn't Mary. I know when it's a dream and what's...
Your Possible Pasts 5 - Empty Spaces
_"Nnnnngh..."_ Moonclaw shook her head, _"what...what happened? S-seaclaw, Seaclaw where are you?!"_ _"I-I'm heeere!"_ The sounds of scattering rock came from the darkness. _"A-are you okay?!"_ _"I...I think I am...did we fall into a cave?"_ ...
Your Possible Pasts 8 - Your Time Is Up
**"Everything is in place,"** the warrior said. **"And our Queen anticipates his blood,"** the harvester hissed beside her, **"his brood will arrive surely."** **"The blood-holder is your priority,"** she looked to Seaclaw in her arms, **"I will...
Your Possible Pasts 7 - Welcome to the Machine
The sounds of the rumbling engines disturbed the captives of the ship. Those who were trapped inside of the tubes within tanks of recycled seawater felt heady and soporific, lulled into a stupor that kept their minds meek of any resistance for their...
Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow
_"It all started in my youth,"_ Ecco began, _"back in the home bay that I was born and raised in, there was a fearsome typhoon that came from the stars and swept all of my pod away into the stars."_ _"They were taken?"_ asked Oddtooth looking up at...
The Rising Fallen Star 4 - Kolorado
Roy enjoyed his job more than anyone else could. A blisteringly perfect day that had become immensely dull and devoid of any action or crimes to attend to, which were the days he really preferred because that meant he was doing his job good if people...
The Rising Fallen Star 3 - Charlie
"So, you having a good day?" _"Yesh, very shunny, lotsh of good shmellsh today!"_ "Hmhmhahah, no plans later on?" _"There ish a shmell near treesh I will inveshtigate, might be dangeroush!"_ "But you not afraid aren't you?" _"Nope, I ish...
The Rising Fallen Star 8 - Kaelan
James had been oddly quiet for the last week of his recovery. Despite his strength returning to him, Roy and Koopin had noticed his strangely calm demeanour even when they were watching another round of 64 Questions. His knowledge of the world became...
Remember Me 4 - Beneath Emerald Steel
**_System Rebooting...Stem-Core initiated, powering vital systems...Checking..._** **_- Parietal Parse-Engine, Normal_** _He sensed the air-conditioned room._ **_- Motor-Soma Capacitor, Normal_** _He felt the cold steel underneath._ **_-...