The first time we had an actual disagreement about the best approach to a particularly abstruse subroutine, i think we argued more for the sake of the novelty than because it was really worth arguing over.
You’re my superdog
Bolt argued, clearly poking fun. "well when you are as dashingly handsome as i am, then you will get more." sam flashed him a quick thank you smile. "i thought i was the handsome one."
A unwanted surprise...
I could solve it hehehe...grabbing my sword i held it high above the fish they were arguing about. "umm mikio wwhat are yyou doing?"asked sicco trembling. "solving the problem "i answered and sliced the fish in half.
Scars Ch. 2
I hear patrick arguing to chris about me living here, i also hear chris argue back saying he can't just kick me out. chris set up a bed for me on the couch using one of the pillows from his bed along with a blanket chris had in his closet.
Gift From Heaven Part 1 :Nowhere Chapter 2 : New Allies
After hours of arguing, which was rather hilarious because angels can't truly argue, they decided and chose the best warriors in their opinions.
Ch. 10 -- Sister Shotgun
She forced herself to refocus on the now, the 'what ifs' could be argued later. "i'm sorry", said shannon softly. "why should you care?", came the biting response, "its not like you knew him."
Wings - Kreet 81
But she couldn't argue against it because... well, because she _did_ want miss tribi to leave. miss tribi, however, was not clueless when it came to social interactions.
Clyde asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of them as they ran out of any energy to argue.
Zootopia Spirit Chronicles Chapter 6
"you're logic is sound, and i can't argue with those points, but why so early? and on a saturday?" alex replied. he didn't expect judy to take it upon herself to care so much about him and do something so kind for him.
Lost My Empathy
You're always arguing, trying to decide, to whom this land belongs, when you die, i do not pity you, i fucking envy you, why do you try to, avoid death for so long?
Cold-Hearted: Part 3
I knew this part of brian, the part where he got tired, and cranky, and all he wanted to do was demean me, or argue with me.
Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Eight
"or easier," toke argued, his skin crawling at the thought of every sorakine they were flying with staring at him from behind their visors.