Servant of Darkness - Ch. 10: Escaping the Meadows

His brain processed where they had come from instantly, and he knew where the rest of the archers were.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 26: The Battle of Sanctuary Begins

He was in the back, standing with the rest of the archers. he mouthed the words "don't die" and roweon nodded back his understanding.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 11

"he is directing another section of the archers as you told him to". "good. i will need good officers". then he turned again to terrador and spyro. "we will see each other on the battlefield. good luck".

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Twisted Night: chapter 19

Other infinity gestured to an archer on one of the roof tops, his bow knocked and aiming right at axton's head. "i think he sees you."

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Soldier's journal (Artemisia - Prologue part 1)

Ankle deep in mud i stood, shouting orders and directing archer fire when the world seemed to turn on its head. my own men came charging back towards me from the murky night, stumbling and crying out in their panic.

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The sharp-eyed raven archer, lyall veron pitched in "let's get on with it." a now confident lucas grinned and said "onward." * * * this was it.

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The Quiver

Feathers, a shaft--she pulled it out swift and smooth, with the grace of an archer, and looked at it. the arrow was made from glowing blue magical energy, same as the arcane power that fueled the quiver.

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ch.01 The cost of war

He pauses and looks out the tent flap "none but my strongest archangels and canniest archers remain unharmed." the feline narrows his eyes, "what do you need" atrius looks to the sky.

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Dragon Age Furry- Chapter 2: The Destiny of those who live...

Tigz looks around and sees that there are five archers hidden within the trees as they seem to be well hidden, but not for the tigz's enhance sight.

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Living Tails

.- i hunted down the archer who killed my father, rage coursing through me, and killed him. and then i fled.

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Zion Journal 3

I'm really confused with what is going on, but hell, it was nice to see narissa come out of nowhere and protect us from an archer that shot rust.

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It Begins

He turned to face the unknown archer, leaving himself wide open. it was sal. sal ran quickly to the side, looking for a way around the flames. kain followed in anger. dante rushed forward, only to be knocked back by one swipe of kain's arm.

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