Zion Journal 3

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#6 of The Tales From Zion

Dear Mom and Dad:

_ I do apologize for what I'm about to say, or at least most of it. Since the last letter I wrote, which was about four days ago, a lot has happened. Despite most of it being unbelievably terrible, there was a silver lining to it. Sometime after finish writing my last letter, Zachary regained his consciousness. I finally broken down and told him that I really liked him. The two of us ended up have a very sensual night. I don't know if he knew I was a virgin before then, but I sure didn't act like it. I can't believe I was so scared of him rejecting me, but I thank Tah'aveen he didn't. With how much time we have spent together lately, as well as that night, I shouldn't even being to question if he has mutual feelings._

_ The next morning is when everything started to go wrong. I don't know when it happened or why, none of the survivors want to mention it to me, but we were attacked and nearly all slaughtered. They nearly burned me alive in Zachary's carriage. I was able to escape, but just barely before I would have been crushed by flaming wreckage. The first thing that ran through my mind was to find Zachary. As I mentioned in one of my earlier letters I said I never wanted to see Zachary in a position where he could be hurt again, well, when I found him among all the fighting he was in nearly the same position again as he was back in the battle with the ogres. Lucky the sword wasn't stuck into him this time. I was about to cry, but it's hard to when you have someone to save._

_ Before I knew it, the Rakken blade was buried into the boar's back. I was so overcome with emotion that I can't even remember what I said; Zachary has said that it was the perfect thing to say, but still hasn't told me what it was. Whatever it was, he leaped up and hugged me tightly. I do remember crying so much once his arms touched me. Unfortunately, Rust called everyone left alive to gather up to protect ourselves against the psychotic sun worshipers. I'm really confused with what is going on, but hell, it was nice to see Narissa come out of nowhere and protect us from an archer that shot Rust. Zachary says he will tell me what he knows once we get going again so I guess I'll find out soon enough._

_ The next bit happened so fast that I can barely comprehend it. All I know is Zeke did a prayer that that killed the leader of the sun worshipers and for a moment it looked as if the fox was going to lose control. Jasper was able to calm him down and I could tell it set us all at ease._

_ I personally would prefer to never write about what happened for the majority of the next three days, but I will say that we had to say goodbye to our old traveling companions. I don't think there was a single one alive minus us eight: Me, Zachary, Rust, Narissa, Japer, Zeke, Dillan, and Haldyn. I'll find out soon enough once the shock wears off._

When we weren't working, Zachary and I spent every moment together. I don't know if it's because he worried for my wellbeing or if he didn't want to risk losing me again, but it helped me so much to have him there. I can still remember that surprised look he had when I brought him the bag with his writings. Of course before we lay down for the night, he took me to the nearby river and washed me of the soot from the fire. The moment he cleaned my muzzle, or I should say helped me, he leaned down and gently kissed me. That river would eventually be where we laid our comrades to rest. I'll never be able to look at it the same way again. It may or may not come off as a surprise, but even if I knew I would have to go through all of this before joining the caravan I would still have joined just for Zachary. I personally don't want him to ever leave my side again. If something were to happens to him... I don't think I could go on without him though.

_ Well, we are leaving again for Zion in the morning and I should be getting some sleep now. I really do hope we all make it through this. I would love for you to meet Zachary. He is so amazing._

Your son

Taggart Cuagan