Aqueus biography

After finish the high school, his father forced him to go to register for the marine as apprentice seaman for be stronger, as it was very coward.

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Eggceptional Get Away: Leif

Well luna and jaidyn were apprentices. it seemed flint was the only who qualified as a full-fledged members. they still weren't sure what they actually did here... but they suspected that giant bulletin board had a few hints.

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Piercing the Swordsman: Chapter 3

"no more apprentice green for me. luckily a sorcerer i met later suggested i use them to augment the ether projecting and have more magic left over for fighting. i haven't told anyone in my family yet.

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A Tail of Two Peoples - Family

It's the apprentice graduation! i need to go talk to the masters right now! i forgot that was tonight!" he grabbed kar'na's wrist.

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Granite and weak forces

Wealthy ambitious apprentices traveled from every corner of the known world to learn from the "most powerful casters of our age" just like i had.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 19 true aggression

The female has a broken hip and some compressed organs so that will require some work" the older one of the apprentices answered. "frost? what are you doing in here?!"

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Home Sweet Farm Chapter 13 "Ultimate Weapon Ultimatum"

"this...isn't ever...i will make the perfect warrior and you will be my apprentice." he said pressing a button on his arm. "this isn't over!" he yelled as his body started to fade. he had done it even if he was injured at least he survived.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 11: Last Chance

He waited until the guard unlocked the door and held it open, and then he slowly began to step into the cell and toward his apprentice.

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Heritage of Ash Chapter 6: Conspiring Minds

The smith, having not slept in two days or nights, toiled away at his task as he did what he could to prepare his people, his assistants and apprentices all lending what aid they could.

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She had studied all forms of anatomy, as the girl was an apprentice healer on planet nuari, although she exceeded her master in her ability to transfer healing energy to their patients. she looked at the woman's skin.

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With tooth and paw: chapter 4

Following it, and on to the first chamber where he was told ranger apprentices where housed. the smell of cooking drifted through the tunnel. the smell was light and varied, obviously the result of cooking many different things.


End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 13

Stay as an apprentice? maybe not. i have to make a living now.' he stretches his wings and gives them a few flaps before wrapping them up around him.

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