"I think i am in love" alternate ending
**(alternate ending starts at the next bold-print brackets)** i was in bed, i just could not sleep, it just turned 12:00, i wonder if my friend (rod) is awake, so i text him and quickly get a text back saying "i am going to the park for a walk, want to
Rebuild, Renew: Chapter One: "Prologue"
"This is the People's Radio coming to you with the daily update. Today comrades, progress has been made with taking over the whole state of Nebraska! Our brave partisans have fought tooth and nail while destroying every fascist and...
The First of Many...
_In truth, I have discarded nearly a dozen drafts of this letter, and I still find myself uncertain of what I must precisely say._ _So many things have been experimented upon--and sought for, that it is difficult to find a place to 'begin' telling you...
"Hold the port and protect those civilians! The transports will be here! Give them not one inch of ground! Give them every cap and give your life if you must! But! You! Will! Hold! This! PORT!" bellowed the Lieutenant, the last surviving officer of...
Monster Mankind Chapter 5
John felt like he had a good nap until the wave of bodily aches robbed the temporary feeling of serenity from him. He questioned the pain that he was experiencing until he remembered what had happened before. He'd been knocked out by the Nemean lion....
hello there! whoever you are, i hope you enjoy this story. it's my first, and i plan to make more. comments are highly appreeciated! * * * Part one The problem with stories like this is that you can never figure out the perfect theatrical way to...
Star Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 2
He Who Stalks The Night woke in confusion. He was not surprised by his waking, nor by where he found himself; he was still in the cage, within the alien's animal keeping place, as he had been for weeks now. The dream, however, had been strange. It had...
Panzerman Battle
Gunfire hailed down around Takara and Vandal. The two dashed for new cover as 88's and 99's stopped firing and zeroed in on new targets, most likely other Evolutionary Forces trying to break into Cologne farther north. Vandal's squad had died...
Spawn of Rage
The wolfess stood at the door. Her eyes were ablaze, aglow with Rage. So, it had followed her. Larentia was forever fleeing from the Rage. Being a Sorceress of Arelia, the kingdom on the Southern side of the Seventh Heavens, of course, it was hard to...
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 18
#18 of alternity (no longer being updated) shadow stalkers (c) onyxclaw/-blackout- (fa) thymion (c) jashen's office was ensconced in the far corner of the medibay and was just as cramped trillian's, but the orc had a broad, wall-to-wall view screen covering
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 14
#14 of alternity (no longer being updated) entering the final act of this collab with shadow stalkers (c) onyxclaw/-blackout- (fa) thymion (c) neonpinkfeline the message had been simple a text sent via the undervilde-built temporal ansible and the resulting
Chapter 5
The first thing he noticed was that the arena seemed much larger when you were at the center of it, with everyone staring at you. The students in his group were all arranged in a large circle, with Lord Eternius already positioned in the center....