Chapter 18
The world froze around him, blurring halfway into the ethereal form of the aether plane. the only purpose of this spell was to send the caster into the aether plane, and it was used mostly for traveling.
To The Blue
On a **plane** through the **sky** bringing **far** to the **near** while my **love** , she a **waits** , at the **end** of the **pier** in my **head** , remem **ber** all the **ple** dges i **gave** i was **lost** , that you **found** , 'tis my **soul
Chapter 7 Inclement Weather
#7 of rain, teenager (written by soven) snow wakes up with a panicked jolt as he feels the plane shudder. his paw instinctively grabs the closest thing to it which happens to be flare's paw.
Chaos Pokemon Part 1
(as he expertly flew his x-tornado around the latest of eggman's robots with his best friends riding on the wings of the plane.)
Study Group
Interrupting my train of thought for what must have been the 30th time in the last 3 hours a paper plane made its attack on me. a quick puff of fire set the plane smouldering to the floor. i heard laughter from behind me.
Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 1: End of darkness
"but how are we going to get back... gate we used was closed long ago" cynder said while looking around a way how to get away this plane.
Halycion followed suit and they planned the project to come as the plane taxied down the runway and became airborne. ----finally complete 03/26/01.
Hunted - Part 2
The plane wandered deep into this mountain range, banking around peaks like the pilot knew exactly where he was. suddenly the plane just scraped against a peak, and that's when these 'things' leapt onboard." "what things," the troubled raccoon asks.
Covert Ops
As they neared the airplane, a young stewardess with the name "mindy" on her shirt took their bags and handed them to a crewman.
Advent, Chapter 2-Spree
After gaining ample distance from the explosion, i turned and saw the plane engulfed in flames, heading gradually down to the ground.
Land of Discord Chapter 13: True Reset
Oh, i think my plane is departing. it's nice to meet you, purple scales." "and you too, scarlet one."
Experience as a Millien Magi
Howler asked him, and in fact, the term "astral plane" was something that was highly recurring into the themes regarding fantasy. "the astral plane is real.