my kitten

My little kitten so small and cute i snuggle and cuddle you with all my love. i will protec you with all my time. for i love you with all my heart. i trust you with all my mind. no matter what i will not leave you long.

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A Fennecs love~

my love for you is greater then the air i breath and the sights i see,our time together has been the best times of my life,and i am so very glad that you have excepted me...though we have only been mated for such a small time i feel like the short time we

Unimportant Verse 13

#13 of unimportant verse about important people every time i seek to change my life, myself, my love, my name, every time i try and broaden my range in this shitty, all-encompassing game, i hesitate.


See You One More Time. Poem.

You are my love. sun and stars.

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The Lesser Half

For the rest of march, i'm going to be an ordinary otter with my loving husband. maybe i'll even bleach my fur and be his golden boy again.

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The Cost of True Peace 1

"i'm sorry, my love . . . " those words echoed thru his mind as the world vanished around him, darkness taking over. despite the labs cameras recording everything, his friends had no idea what had happened.

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Legecia Chat

I need to take my love into legecian space some time... err, where was i? right, starport one houses many starships in it's docks. very few are used for more than patrol as of late, though.

The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude

"no my love, the worst has yet to come, i'm afraid that our golden age of peace has ended. now we have let the sun fully set, and darkness will engulf our small world yet again. to be continued... (vote and comment please!

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Matheau and Beijore XX:: Scattered Thoughts

"rest, my loving mate." beijore said softly. "tomorrow is another new day."


Open Season Chapter 03: The Meeting

"gwen my love, know that you can ask me _anything_, and no matter what the outcome, know that i shall love you forever." i braced myself, for this was the trial by inquiry.

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MLP: To Earth and Back

"just take a deep breath my love and go." lunar had done as his wife instructed and took a deep breath before letting it out. he slowly approached the door and gently knocked with his hoof.

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Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!

"and to show my love to you...". manaphy used her two antenne to wrap timothy up , expecting the worst. "hey! what are you doing to me!" he screamed.

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