Ferret''s Five - A Brief Debriefing
He sat in the chair for a while typing out a few things to send into an e-mail, though he knew that he would have to wait to actually send it until he was on a more secure line.
LiM Ch9: The Calm Before the Storm
As long as you give me credit for it, as long as you inform me that you're going to do it via e-mail ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)), and as long as you don't try and mess with my, or coro's character/s, i don't mind.
Of the Collective: Chapter 1
I also upload a copy of my memories since launch into a data packet, an "e-mail" as it's referred to, to my home planet.
Under The Big Top
Up the aisle between the two sets of stands walks my mother, pressing buttons on her phone as she holds it at waist-level, meaning she's checking e-mail and basically done with her work.
LiM Ch13 (FINAL!): Fission and Fusion.
As long as you give me credit for it, as long as you inform me that you're going to do it via e-mail ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)), and as long as you don't try and mess with my, or coro's character/s, i don't mind.
The Coming of Dragons: Chapter Five
Kindle (alis mitsy):https://www.amazon.com/dp/b07glwqzfp smashwords:https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/arianmabe commiss.io:https://commiss.io/amethystmare as always, i am open for commissions starting at 30 gbp per 1,000 words - please e-mail arianmabe
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.4)
Hendershot tomorrow or e-mail her tonight?" "oh, um, i don't really care. just as long as we start all the official paperwork and trade contact information... i think they'll be really happy." "and how about you?" zane asked quietly.
Catch Me If You Can
Before cracking the books, he checked his laptop computer for any e-mail and found a message from gloria. at times he found it embarrassing that gloria seemed to be even more on top of electronics technology than he was. the vixen was cute, too.
Published form of Untouchable
Xander scrolled through his last few e-mails from the soup kitchen while the app downloaded on sean's phone. sean checked the street signs. "are you my hunting wolf tonight? or am i flying solo once we get where ever we're going?"
Spirit Bound: Chapter 146
Nathanial had sent dad e-mails about a lot of it, but conor had his own view on things. a view that seemed to be based on faelen's experiences in many ways. it made sense; conor would talk to geoff, of course, but faelen _worked_ for the mcdougals.
City Mouse: 1 of 7
He sent some nice wilderness and ruin photos with his last set of e-mails, but that was a few months back." she nodded placidly. "it seems a little weird to me, that all of you salcedo boys are so far apart.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 115
Why didn't you just send an e-mail to whomever this is going to? it's cheaper and faster." liam looked annoyed, and so did the lady behind the counter -- probably for different reasons, though. liam shrugged. "i think this is far more personal.