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**chapter 1: is he the one?**
adam is a 10 years old and loved the pokémon series ever since he was little.
Janadam6, Latias, Latios, Pokemon
**sacrifice of the celesteon**
_ **flashback** _
**author's notes**
**chapter 1:**
"i'm glad to see you all here today while i unveil my newest creation!"
Celesteon, Clean, First Person, safe
#1 of darkness
chapter 1
darkness is not just the absence of light darkness is an object its a personified noun. things change in the dark its an after effect of darkness.
Action, Digimon, darkness
The first chapter of a little story starring my fursona
"a dragon's day at preschool"
by jake draggie
chapter 1:
one fine morning in a mobile home village, the sun was creeping up into the sky from the east.
Babyfur, Jake Draggie, Kidfur, Story
chapter 1 a rude awakening
beep beep beep beep
'come on, really?' i think as the alarm clock my mom bought me goes off.
chapter 1 a rude awakening
beep beep beep beep
'come on, really?' i think as the alarm clock my mom bought me goes off.
Lucario, Pokemon
chapter 1- a new stranger
simba, nala, tama, malka, kula, chumvi, tojo played together next to the pond and then lay under the shade of a tree.
but it was a fun game, said: tojo's meal lay on the stone, maybe he played the races?
Chumvi, Kula, Nala, OC, Simba, malka, tama, tojo
chapter: 1 origins.
our story begins about 5.000 b.u (before unification)
with a small tribe known as the schuppenschreiter. they were a warband of nomadic raptor riders who knew the fertile regions of serpentia more than anyone else.
Duchy's, Fantasy, German Words, Kingdom, Raptors, Scales, Story, chronicler
If you'd rather read there, here's the link:http://wetumbreon2695.deviantart.com/art/the-umbreglace-experience-chapter-1-447401164?ga_submit_new=10%253a1444251229&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1
yush, i know that it's rather short.
#2 of sky
short but please tell me how i did
chapter 1
spirit was doing a handstand on a ledge about 840ft from the ground. one wrong move and he could fall to his death. he could feel the blood the rush to his head and stood up.
Air, Dog, Dragon, code, jump, wag