Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 61 - At my expense...
Maybe nikki just didn't want to see the reality and wanted to believe that everything was how she always imagined it would be... nevertheless, she held my hand afterwards...
The Will of Kings - Chapter 1
No one wants to be friends with a _reformed_faggot. whatever game you're playing, i don't want to be a part of it. i don't want to be hurt." "how did jaller become your friend?" i asked, dodging his question of my motives.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Thirty Five
"you don't--" "i know exactly what i want," she cut him off, and then kissed him again. her body was pressed up against his. "i want _you_."
The thing is, i wanted it to happen. when i first woke up, i really hoped that you were there; i don't want to be separated from you. i wanted to tell you that i don't want you to go, but to stay by my side.
Chapter 15 - Growing Up
I want to have my own home, family, job... i want to play video games, watch movies, hang out with my friends... i want to find a way to fight for requorans. i didn't want to leave my parents and i still don't. what would i do out there, though?
Cant Take My Eyes Off You CH. 1
Not that i mind, it's just that he's never wanted to talk before, and now, out of the blue, he wants to talk to me, and me alone? i just hope something bad didn't happen. he must want to talk about the transformation.
Don't own me ch 3
He said with a smile, but i didn't want to leave tanuki alone. "i don't want to." i said low but stern. "and why not."
Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 16
If you don't want to come out, i understand, but at least let us in so we can see you. or one of us if you want. just don't shut us out.
Domain- First Segment
"i want you to promise me that you will come around here tomorrow." the white wolf stood still, listening to the otter's words and not wanting them to register. what could he possibly want me around for?
Bonfire Night: A Marco and Mitch Story
I, ah, wasn't really wanting to bet anything. what would you even want?" "how about... if i win, you owe me a foot rub. these paws get real sore after i go jogging!" satisfied, mitch smirked. "so, what do you want if you win?" "i...
What was it?
Then you wanted me to play against you in video games and further more you wanted me to make some sandwiches to you... and i obeyed your words, did what you wanted me to do. at one point you asked me to massage your foot...
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 17
I just want to be alone. i want to be alone forever. i want to... i want... i want you to... to..._ "... stay with me? just for a little while?" she smiled. "of course!"