World in Conflict ch6 : Ambush
As the guns blazed some of us took cover, the enemy took advantage of this and several sergals with rocket launchers charged out and fired their payload about 3 of them hit our bmp-1, destroying the turret along with the person inside of it, the rest hit the
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 12-To The Rescue
We lopped around so the tanks turrets were no longer facing us. "ready to take out the tanks", i shouted. "do it", john ordered. i looked dead at one of the tanks as the mini at my side started to spin up.
A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 37-Broken Steel
Everything went quiet to me as i noticed a panzer rolling around the corner,turning it's turret in our direction. i opened my mouth to yell,"panzer",but the tank fired,cutting me off before i could.
Last Flight of the Kithrasain
Only the laser turrets and torpedo bays still showed activity. tsoin watched the power drain climb as the laser batteries opened fire on the swarm of incoming missiles.
Zootopia: First Salvo part 3
Jackson turned his head and there leaning against the gun turret, was darla delaware, wearing the silver shoulder rope of an assistant rpoc. "hello recruit petty officer in command seaman recruit wilde?" "hello...." jackson replied smiling.
Chapter XIII: The Return, Night One
Benji was knocked back and his turret knocked out his hand. the shark quickly pushed himself back on his feet and he ran forward. he threw a punch and knocked koji in the face.
Guardians Downfall Chapter 1 Revised
Several hundred nukes, approximately twenty thousand archer torpedoes, and an entire deck dedicated towards the laser turret defense grid. a new system that allowed several hundred small turrets on her hull to fire beams of plasma at their targets.
The Cost of Life pt. 1 - Loyalty
Aside from a few turret defenses, all threat from that carrier was blocked. the fighters opened fire on the right carrier, breaking their stealth.
Heart and Claw
"we have automated turrets set up every twenty meters, guards every thirty, and they're rotated out every night at one o'clock." "what's that building over there for?" cooper asked, gesturing at the handmade shack.
Episode 12: Starship Down
The raptor quickly spun and zipped around the shots from the repulsor beam turrets. the raptor fired a full volley at the turret firing at them and it exploded.
Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 12
Another machine had what looked like rocket turrets mounted on top of it, one on each shoulder, and each turret capable of holding three missiles: fortunately, these were empty... although it did answer cherry's question as to how they'd managed to break through
Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act III, Part 2
Zerrex nodded, looking down, then he glanced up, noting the small, almost invisible breaks in the ceiling where he thought the trapdoors were located for the turrets to drop down out of.