Flash Sentry Is Not a Hero

He hadn't just adopted the tactics that my grandpa had taught him; he had improved on them. the book about his heroic deed reflected his mastery and was even thicker than my grandpa's memoir.

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MoonDust, Chapter 11

They trooped down the kilometre-long corridor connecting the housing and tactical blocks, the click of claws and hooves echoing off the white-paneled walls.

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Chapter Eight - Bai Umbra System Part 1

David returned his attention to the tactical display. just at a quick glance, it appeared as if the rovellans had already lost at least a third of their warriors from the last time he had looked at the screen.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 11 -Bloody Chains-

Aura had provided some insight on how the wind clan attacked with subtle yet stealthy tactics that took the enemy by surprise.

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Drakensang Prologue

- asked the tactical officer - now i know we're screwed. - can it - said garathy - this is no time to do a psychological analyze of my mental state. - 'cause you would fail it miserably... - i said can it.

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The world of Aeurn: History of the planet

Gaylen led his people into battle, the united free beasts of the realm using their combined tactics, resources and magic to fight back the dragons of chaos.

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Those Three Words. (Origins pt2)

You requested me for my tactical opinion? since you know my name, you most likely already know i wasn't attached to any artillery regiment, so i am naturally at a loss to what kind of help i might be able to offer."

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The Great Prophet Of Zao chapter 3: Disruption Within The Ranks

Which thanks to his tactics and the support of his closest friends his name will be woven into the tapestry of time. i look off to the distance and see smoke coming from the westgate.

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Mission Parameters Updated

"i am tactical support unit pod 337." the pod replied. "tactical support? i don't remember...." he softly trailed off as he gazes down at the wolf. "affirmative. no request was received from unit u0. rather.

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All Aflame

"they don't notice niceties," petra insisted, at the tactical station. she tapped a few buttons. the solidly-built, scrappy rat said, "i got the shields raised. they'll take 'em down, though."



At basic training the instructors had told the recruits, scott among them, about german raiding tactics. if you were raiding you made no noise at all, no gunshots or mill's bomb blasts to tell the enemy where you were.

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Constructs prologue [test]

The sword of sangheilios received the gift of tactical battle planning from the humans. many humans have proofen to be the best at planning a battle, they were infamous.