Trial of Destiny
Because the footage were dark with only emergency lights providing sources of illumination, all that the onlookers could see were faint silhouettes of people coming inside rooms and back. - and there you have it.
"If only the bus had taken longer"
The silhouette of the small bench against the wall of white that is the storm gives me little solace; having to wait in these conditions with nothing to do but freeze isn't all that appealing to me.
Much Ado About Bluebottles
Occasionally a shadow would pass over, the silhouette of some early shopper looking to see what the bazaar had to promise. tr'lia wanted to see as much as they did, but lili would not be deterred.
A Second Chance
A man-like figure stepped from the light - its silhouette human yet... his mind reeled, unable to believe what it had seen. it was tall. way taller than any human - human-like in form, masculine and undeniably male.
Ch. 1 - Une vielle barraque
En arrivant à la porte d'entrée, je vis trois silhouettes s'éloigner dans le ciel. des chauves-souris. sauvages, sans doute. je me senti un peu stupide d'avoir eu peur pour si peu et décidais de rester ici pour le moment, au moins pour la nuit.
It started low but grew not only in intensity but also in its very presence, spreading across the bed, wrapping itself around the male's invisible silhouette. -- of course i could tell you, honey, resumed the lisp as the rustle came to a halt.
The Wolf of Castle Blackpaw: Part I
He followed the cries of the bull closer and closer till at last, just outside of the forest he spotted the silhouette of a building. as he got closer he realized that the building was indeed a barn.
The DreamWalker
He stood there what felt like forever until he saw a silhouette of a large woman. as the giant figure approached him, he saw a beautiful lady covered in beautiful flowers and leaves that danced threw her hair like shooting stars in the sky.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 10
Lightning flashed in the sky directly to banno's back, turning him into a pitch black silhouette devoid of any details or features, just a solid slab of empty _nothing_.
[Commission] Monsieur Louis Bernard's unlucky day
Now, he couldn't be sure, but he could swear, that on top of the buzzing street lamp he could see the silhouette of someone standing. the contour then shifted, and now monsieur louis bernard was sure there was someone up there.
A Boy and His Lucario Part 11
He opened the ball and a white human shaped silhouette erupted from inside. the silhouette faded to reveal a hitmonlee. "hitmonlee ist mein partner."
The Wily Wars
Two mysterious silhouettes suddenly appeared on top of a building. "five against two seems unfair wouldn't you agree?" one of them said to the other. "yes, let's help those two twerps take out those lousy light numbers."