(Imported from my furAffinity)
Final word count : 970
/! I recommend you read the description after reading the story ! /!
Well, I wanted to write a story I thought of, but that required me to create a new OC to go with Miraya ; this is a short something I ended up writing to start working on the new OC, before I really knew what he would be like. This is technically the first appearance of Sabriel !
Using an unfinished character gave me the opportunity to use a fun gimmick, that is a scene in complete darkness. I think I made good use of it, keeping it all mysterious. Eventually though it was getting too confusing, so I decided to instead break some of the mystery.
I hope you enjoyed reading !
The night was fresh, but still daytime's scorch lingered in the windless air, reluctant to leave the land of sand free of its arid reign. Against all odds, civilisation had bloomed in this ruthless environment, a small town standing proud among the tall dunes. The village now under the stars, the weather was finally bearable, yet the town of the resourceful was asleep ; its inhabitants had since long decided to sacrifice the moon's soothing cool for the sun's biting spark.
In one of the many houses was one of many common beds, somewhere in the deep of a dark room. Plenty large enough for a couple to rest in, but not quite so to fit the two lovers laying on its scattered sheets. Still, despite having to dangle off its edges in places and even occasionally touch the carpet below, they had found a peace of mind propitious to tranquil slumber, each comforted by the other's presence.
Like a guardian angel, the darkness of the night watched over them in silence ; the lovers' breathing, only sound in the vast room, was only for the two of them to hear. But, as suddenly as smoothly, a new sound surfaced between them. A low, somewhat segmented scratching, which could very well have been a dull claw harmlessly running along scales. Who was to tell ? Only two souls in the entire world had the answer.
-- ...Darling ? hesitatingly whispered a voice, intimidated by what the quietness would say of it for interrupting this precious silence.
Somewhere in the room, very close to the bed, there was a subtle, flexing movement. It must have been too discreet, or not enough of an answer, because the voice spoke again.
-- My apologies for bothering you, dear. I really hope I am not waking you up...
The voice was strangely bound to the ongoing scratching sound, its sheepish fluctuations matching the noise's inconsistencies ; it was as if the supposed claw was taking detours to form patterns on the scales, led astray by a preoccupied mind.
That voice... its tone was warm, and soft, not unlike honey in its delicacy. In moments of intimacy like the one now, it was vibrant with uncertainty, but it wasn't like weakness, no, it was the soul's unfiltered purity speaking a shy vibrato. It was a precious voice, one that should be cherished for the virtues it stood for ; and all this poetry must have had some truth to it, for it was the thoughts of the only other being in the room, the convictions of the second voice.
-- Oh no honey, you are not bothering anyone, lisped this more feminine and suave voice. And if you must really know, I would never fall asleep before you. I simply enjoy your company too much for that.
Punctuating this last sentence, another sound was heard. Close to where the soft masculine voice came from, it seemed to be something of a squeeze, a rubbing of scales and fur that must have been a hug. It was quickly followed by a startled gasp and an amused chuckle from the male, reacting to both the compliment and the touch of his partner. He spoke again, his words more hesitant and his pitch uncomfortably higher ; his blushing could almost be heard.
-- Well, I suppose I just think too much, but lately I haven't been able to get this off my mind... you see, I really don't know much about your past at all, and now I wonder, maybe you-
He was interrupted in the middle of the sentence by something draping itself over his mouth, and for a moment there was silence in the room. There then was just a chuckle, one that couldn't be his, before it shifted into words.
-- Beyond the anxiously careful path your words take, I assume you would like me to tell you about my story, hm ?
Again the room was quiet for a short instant, about as long as someone would have needed to nod, after which first voice was suddenly heard again, but in the form of a huffing sound. It remained quiet, however, while a rustle rose in the air. It started low but grew not only in intensity but also in its very presence, spreading across the bed, wrapping itself around the male's invisible silhouette.
-- Of course I could tell you, honey, resumed the lisp as the rustle came to a halt. There are no s~s~secrets between us after all. However, that is not how I wish for this to go.
-- Oh ? What do you mean by that ? asked the male voice, puzzled.
-- Rather than telling you... I would prefer sharing this knowledge by 'showing' you.
The innuendo-filled answer left the male silent for a time. Perhaps he was deciphering the remark, perhaps he was contemplating its offers. Either way, instead of acknowledging its hidden meaning, he quietly laid back, relaxing into the once rustling scales that had encased his form. He breathed in deeply, easing his mind, readying for the experience he knew was to come.
-- Are you ready, then ?
-- Yes, Miraya. Please continue.
-- It is a story many tell, but few know in its entirety. A story that has borne legends, never to match the original events. It is my story, but also the story of many, such as yourself. This is how our fates have become entwined, and why they will forever be. Now behold, and the witness a story of the jungle, of miracle, of love ; this is the Blessing of the Stars.
And as soon as these last words rang through the room, two celestial bodies lit up in the serpent's eyes, filling her partner's vision with a soothing glow as his mind was taken to a time way back.