Maire-chapter two

She didn't look sick or act sick when she came in. he was lost. "it's nice to meet you jack." she smiled at him. the boy got up and held out a head.

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Enemy, Chapter 6

You sure you aren't sick?" granted, the flight rations weren't the highest quality dining, but they were reliably safe and nutritious. i'd never heard of anyone getting food poisoning from them before.

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The Trial Part 2 of 2: Segment of My Book "Planes"

Norwald slowly crept back to the edge of the forest, where his brother gerald lay resting to recover from a mysterious illness.

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new beginings for a tortured soul chapter 1

Now known this, the cure may look like a illness itself but it isn't. the fact is, is that he couldn't actually cure the disease but he was able to transform it and make it to were it cant be contracted or kill it's victim.

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The Brimstock Descent

At the church and while the pastor went on and on with his own ravings, lloyd had to ask himself whether or not the disease was contagious through blood or contact.

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Corrupted and controlled, spreading like a disease like a wind with ill intenet, the modern world spreads the modern virus. people believing what they see, wanting to all be fools. the modern age breaks all the rules. we are as tools.


Chapter 6

You're sick!" he yelled. he was right, i was so screwed up to do that to him, he had trusted me, and i totally betrayed him, what kind of sick fuck am i? i have to find alex and get out of this situation.

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sick, sick to my stomach. how do i make it stop? is it a sign? a warning? will this all end soon? this happiness i've finally come to seemingly accomplish? i can't let it affect me, i know i can't. have to enjoy it while it lasts.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Twelve

To make the situation worse, an illness had broken out over the camps and refugees were dying. i did my best to stay away from the ill but they were everywhere.

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DRAFT The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 3: Life in Aht'Regenia)

"fine, ill return in the morning before setting out. ill bring you whatever supplies i can to tide you over. but i will have to leave tomorrow. its early winter, its bad enough i waited this long to make the trip.

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I hate school eh, if u are reading this, you should know im leon, well, ill cant connect very often or just cant connect, i'm studying for some tests in school, ill be back when tests end (probably 22 th) so, i hope everyone is happy without me (for those

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Warriors Dawning Chpt 1

The sick two sick cats that hazelfur mentioned," she finished. twigpaw felt bad for her. her siblings should be here with her. "i'm sorry about that, petalpaw." he sympathetically meowed. "it's alright.

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