Chapter 6
#6 of All Alone
Hello everyone!! Sorry about the long wait! I have been busy with the holiday season coming around, but it's almost over! As always comments are appriciated and don't forget to rate! I tried to mix things up a little with unexpectedness. But this is still a build up, but anyway I hope you like it!!
Chapter 6
It has been two weeks... Zach, Ryan and I have been hanging out a lot after school and things couldn't be better! Ryan is so sweet and caring. And Zach is great to be around, I have been able to stop cutting myself and Ryan hasn't noticed the cuts yet, which is a good thing probably, because it doesn't need to be a big deal, and knowing how much he cares it could make him upset. But he doesn't need to worry anyway because I love my life now! Instead of getting up to drag myself through a living nightmare, every day is a fun adventure!
I check the clock, it's 6:30 already, I have to go to the bus stop if I want to get to school by 6:45. I jog downstairs and grab by backpack and phone off the counter and rush out the door. I run out to the bus stop and barely catch the bus. I sit down panting as a little sweat runs down my forehead. I look at my phone. It's 6:40, awesome I'm not late.
The bus drops me off at school and I walk towards the front steps to see my friends. But when I look up the steps to see them, my heart stops. It can't be real, is it a bad dream? No, it isn't a dream, it's really happening, my knees start to wobble. I am speechless, everything I thought I knew about them was a lie. I feel sick in my stomach and really dizzy. I think I am going to pass out. I run as fast as my legs will carry me away from the school, I can feel the crying start in my chest. I finally get home. I run up to my room and bury myself in my bed. I am exhausted but I don't care right now. My eyes begin to tear up, and I start to sob. Quietly at first, but slowly my cries became louder and louder as the worst pain I have ever felt overwhelms my body, "Ryan... Zach..." I sob to myself. "Why would you do this?"
Zach p.o.v (about 6:20)
"Why do we have to torment him?" I yelled angrily at Alex, "What did he ever do to anyone?!?" "He's a faggot, isn't that reason enough?" Retorted Alex. "Are you fucking kidding? That isn't reason enough, he is probably the nicest person I have ever met!" I saw a blur and felt Alex's claws come in contact with the side of my head. I winced. "Your fucking job is to do what I tell you, so go out there and do it!!" He yelled, a menacing look on his face. I swore under my breath, I was gonna have to do it, or get killed trying to rebel against him. He knew he had me beaten and smirked to himself. I walked over to the steps and waited for Ryan.
"Hey!" He said with a wave and a smile, "Hi..." I said back. "What's wrong?" He asked noticing the nervousness in my voice, "Are you scared about the trigonometry test?" I hesitated and said "Yea, that must be it..." He smiled again, "Well don't be, you'll do great!" I smiled back and turned away, how was I going to betray him if he was such a nice guy... I scowled to myself and noticed Alex a couple of yards away, behind a tree. He looked at me, making sure I did what he told me to do. I was getting really nervous.
A few minuets later Skylar got off his bus and started walking towards the front of the school. I looked at Alex, "Do it!" He mouthed, I shook my head, "Fucking do it!!" He mouthed again. The time was now. "I'm really sorry..." I said to Ryan and I grabbed his hands. I brought them behind my head and pulled him into a kiss. He tried to pull away but I held is hands so he couldn't escape, I felt horrible. After a minute I finally let him go. Skylar wasn't here anymore. Alex nodded and walked through a side entrance into the school. I looked at Ryan, he shoved me back. "What the hell! You know I'm going out with Skylar!" I can't say anything, I have to much shame, "I can't believe you! It was Skylar who wanted to be friends with you because he felt bad that you didn't have that many friends, and this is what you do to him? You're sick!" He yelled.
He was right, I was so screwed up to do that to him, he had trusted me, and I totally betrayed him, what kind of sick fuck am I? I have to find Alex and get out of this situation. I don't care what it takes, I can't hurt them anymore than I already have.