Chapter Two

"don't think i'm going to forgive you for all this secrecy, fallon," she said. "i'm sorry, but as you can see, this is something the rest of the clan doesn't need to know about... not yet." ruari wondered what the big secret was.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 4

The inventor of this machine, a scientist named kuzei (koo-zeh-ee), feared that the machine would be used to reveal these proclivities and, surreptitiously, included the secrecy program and insured that the machine would not run properly without the program

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Sons of Winter chapter 12: Brannen

"the secrecy of my sister is what matters the most here, so lysander's party must never suspect her existence. if they find us before our journey ends, then i'll do what i must.

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The Needs of the Many...

"but why go to such lengths in secrecy?" "i'm not sure how much you actually know, but if you've paid attention then you would know like me, that the alliance has been changing, and not for the better." wergolet answered.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 12- Reason

But he also knew that if the secrecy and shadows were allowed to continue existing, the results would be one and the same. there was no easy way out, and lukan hated it. he hated it so much. all he wanted in life. all he asked for.

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The Lock - Early Short Story Attempt

I was hoping all of this secrecy was worth keeping me in the dark. the door, steel and about six inches thick, swung open. major brigby indicated with a wave of his hand that i was to enter alone. great that made me feel less comforted and more paranoid.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 19: Changing World

Mieczyslaw said, "as we have already talked, it seems that everything is changing, and secrecy is no longer an option. this does put a good number of laws regarding secrecy in jeopardy, as it seems that they have lost their purpose."

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 14: Taking a Decision

"it is the rule to do that to preserve the secrecy of our craft." "oh..." there was a brief silence, and sully asked: "wait, are you... are you going to do it to us?"

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Arvians - The First Loresinger

And it was here, closest to the sun that many of their kin shunned, that they began to try new theories, testing their ideas in secrecy, for they surely would have been outcasts if others had learned.

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Chapter 8 - Shattering Future

The black wings were created along with the creation of the ancients but it was done so in secrecy. its original purpose was to be a check and balanced the amount of power that the ancients had.

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Destination: Home

"we are forever working against the brown-skinned orcs in secrecy." he walked swiftly across the cavern floors and marrelle had to jog to keep up with him. he walked towards a tall building formed of stone straight into the rocks.

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The Story of My Life Ch2

No one's come asking yet so it'll be better to enjoy the secrecy while it lasts. i made my way up to the front door and nocked three times. i only had to wait a few seconds before the large male wolf answered the door. he smiled when he saw me.

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