Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 4

rokshesan's pupils were slightly dilated and her breathing was a bit labored. but, physically, she did seem none the worse for wear. dreydos almost lovingly assisted rokshesan to a couch for her to lie down.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 3

I said this to gauge the reaction of dreydos and rokshesan. dreydos didn't even act offended. "i speak what i was told, commander.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 13

The next thing i know i am hearing rokshesan's voice coming out of a speaker just to dreydos's left.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 18

I see the female khorcha, rokshesan, sitting in a seat next to a large machine. rokshesan doesn't hesitate. as strange as it may sound, her unhesitating willingness to be the test subject only causes my fears to become stronger.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 34

After the tour, we meet up with rokshesan and she also seems genuinely pleased that i have returned. "welcome back, commander. i wasn't certain that you would return." "dreydos said the same thing, rokshesan. as i told him, i obey orders.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 30

Ambassador dreydos is saying, "we have nothing to gain by telling you a lie about the situation that rokshesan described, commander." sarcastically, i reply, "don't you?"

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 26

I am in the company of the two khorchans, dreydos and rokshesan.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 15

Ambassador rokshesan speaks up, "commander, these experiences are precisely what we are talking about. your killer instinct intrigues us. we have always been told that humans do not possess this instinct.

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